Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the sixth year of elementary school, about a rare funny boy. He lives only in swamps, lakes and streams in Rio de Janeiro. Its popular name is cute […] Let's get to know this species of fish better? So, read the text carefully and then be sure to answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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He lives only in swamps, lakes and streams in Rio de Janeiro. Its popular name is cute, perhaps because, being all red, it draws attention and is considered very cute.
The funny one lives for about four years and swims in schools with many individuals. It has the habit of staying among the plants of streams with weak currents, in which the waters have a mild temperature, ranging from 22ºC to 28ºC. The species inhabits depths that do not exceed 50 centimeters. Their diet includes small insects, worms, crustaceans and some plants.
Although they are animals with calm behavior, from time to time the funny ones fall out. Fights happen when males compete for leadership within the school.
Speaking of males, discovering the sex of fish is not the easiest task. Among the funny ones, however, the chances of success are high. It's because females are bigger than males and have more swollen bellies. They, in turn, are more colorful and have a black border on the fins.
Due to its beauty, the species is much sought after by fish collectors and exported to several countries in Europe and also to the United States. The commercialization contributed for the funny fish to become one of the rarest fish in the streams and swamps of Rio de Janeiro. But this is not the only problem related to it: the pollution and destruction of the environment in which it lives also threatens its existence.
Jean Carlos Miranda, Raquel Costa and Rosana Mazzoni. “Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine. Edition 234. Available in: .
Question 1 - In the fragment below, the authors of the text expose a possible explanation for the popular name “engraçadinho”. Highlight the term that indicates that it is a possibility:
"Its popular name is cute, maybe because, being all red, it draws attention and is considered very cute."
Question 2 - In the segment "The funny man lives for about four years and nothing in schools with many individuals.”, the highlighted word expresses:
( ) one fact that justifies another.
( ) one fact that opposes another.
( ) one fact that adds to another.
Question 3 - Read what is said about the funny ones:
I. Identifying the sex of the funny ones is a complex task.
II. The funny ones are found mainly in Rio de Janeiro.
III. Males fight sporadically as they fight for the leadership of the school.
What is stated in:
( ) III.
( ) I and II.
( ) I and III.
Question 4 – In the passage “They, in turn, are more colorful and have a black border on the fins.”, the authors of the text refer to:
( ) to fish.
( ) to the funny ones.
( ) to males of the “funny” species.
Question 5 - Watch:
“Due to its beauty, the species is much sought after by fish collectors and exported to several countries in Europe and also to the United States.”
The part separated by an expressed comma:
( ) a cause.
( ) a condition.
( ) a consequence.
Question 6 – Find the factors that, according to the text, threaten the funny man's life:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
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