Text interpretation on the moving poem “O Heroi”, by writer Judas Isgorogata. The proposed activities are aimed at 6th grade students.
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Read this poem very carefully:
Judas Isgoroga
“_ Dad, what is a hero?
I ask because I really want to be a hero too…
Can I be a hero without entering a war?
Can I be a hero without hating men
And without killing someone?”
The man who had already suffered the deepest anguish
and the ugliest miseries
Working the aridity of a barren land
So that bread would not be lacking in the little home;
The man who had lost the humblest illusions
In your daily and thankless toil;
That man, when he heard his son's question:
He took it from a sieve And singing came out, again to sow!
1) Fill in the table below with information regarding the structure of the poem.
Title and Author: |
Number of stanzas: |
Number of verses: |
2) What doubt troubled the boy, character in the poem?
3) In the author's view, what does it mean to be a hero?
4) Different adjectives were used to characterize the boy's father's hard life. Identify what each of them refers to:
a) slings:
b) ugly:
c) infertile:
d) little:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.