Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about the Easter hare. the hare was very worried. Why is it, huh? Let's find out? To do this, read the fable carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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The hare was very worried. She was approaching Easter and she had a lot to do. Her work consisted of painting thousands and thousands of eggs to give to children. Everyone knows that the “Easter Egg” is a widespread tradition. The hare, however, already old, felt very tired and with little energy. Time passed quickly and there was still a lot to do. So she decided to get to work. But after a while she fell asleep soundly. Poor thing! So kind was she.
The hare was very dear to all the inhabitants of the forest. They quickly realized what had happened and met urgently to see what they could do.
- I already know! said the ant. We can paint the eggs ourselves while she rests. When she wakes up and sees all the work done, she'll think something magical has happened. She deserves our help. It's so kind!
No sooner said than done. All the inhabitants of the forest went to work and a few hours later all the eggs were painted. Seeing that the hare was beginning to wake up, they soon disappeared, not wanting to be seen. The hare woke up and, what was her amazement, to find that the job was done!
“Oh! That's weird! Who will have done all this? she asked herself, surprised and happy.
To this day, she believes a kind fairy helped her. And actually, you're right. The "friendship fairy" also works miracles, don't you think?
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Question 1 - According to the story, "the hare was very worried". Identify the reason for this concern:
Question 2 - According to the narrator, the hare "decided to get down to work" because:
() “She felt very tired and had little energy”.
( ) “time passed quickly and there was still a lot to do”.
() "After some time, she fell into a deep sleep."
Question 3 - Reread this text fragment:
"They quickly realized what had happened and they met urgently to see what they could do.”
The underlined word indicates:
( ) facts that add up.
( ) alternating facts.
( ) contrasting facts.
Question 4 – In the part “We will be able to paint the eggs ourselves While she rests.”, the underlined word introduces the idea of:
( ) place.
( ) time.
( ) goal.
Question 5 - In the segment "Seeing that the hare was beginning to wake up, they disappeared soon, because they didn't want to be seen.”, the highlighted term could be replaced by:
( ) "but".
( ) "why".
( ) "that is why".
Question 6 – In the excerpt “—Oh! That's weird! Who will have done all this?”, the dash:
( ) announces the hare's speech.
( ) marks the beginning of the hare's speech.
( ) indicates the continuity of the hare's speech.
Question 7 – In “To this day, she believes that a kind fairy helped her.”, the words “a” and “she”:
( ) take back the hare.
( ) present the hare.
( ) characterize the hare.
Question 8 – In the passage “The 'Fairy of Friendship' also works miracles, don't you think?”, the narrator addresses the reader to:
( ) express a wish.
( ) give a warning.
( ) transmit a teaching.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.