Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about the jaguar. The popular name of the species refers to its main physical characteristic: the yellowish coat full of black spots, called rosettes.. Let's get to know the jaguar better? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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Jaguar! The popular name of the species refers to its main physical characteristic: the yellowish coat and full of black spots, called rosettes. They are unique to each ounce, just as our fingerprint is specific to each person. On the underside of the chest, on the belly, on the inside of the legs, on the neck, on the muzzle and around the eyes, the coat is white.
The size of jaguars, measuring from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail, ranges from 1.12 meters to 1.85 meters. Its height varies between 45 and 75 centimeters and its weight, between 36 and 158 kilos. The animal's tail is relatively long, reaching 75 centimeters in length.
Versatile, the feline is able to live in very different environments, such as the arid Caatinga and the humid Amazon floodplains, where the forests are flooded for several months a year. In these regions, the jaguar inhabits areas of dense vegetation and is always close to water, where it finds its food more easily.
Emiliano Esterci Ramalho.
“Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine. Edition 251.
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Question 1 - Reread this passage from the text:
"The popular name of the species refers to its main physical characteristic: the yellowish coat and full of black spots, called rosettes."
What species does the text refer to?
Question 2 - In the sentence "They are unique in every ounce, as our fingerprint is specific to each person.”, the underlined expression introduces:
( ) An example.
( ) a condition.
( ) a comparison.
Question 3 - In “On the lower part of the chest, on the belly, on the inside of the legs, on the neck, on the muzzle and around the eyes […]”, the commas indicate:
( ) an interleaving.
( ) an offset.
( ) an enumeration.
Question 4 – In the segment “Its height varies between 45 and 75 centimeters and its weight, between 36 and 158 kilos.”, the author of the text:
( ) provides a description.
( ) exposes an opinion.
( ) narrates a situation.
Question 5 - In the excerpt “[…] reaching 75 centimeters in length.”, the author refers:
( ) at the height of the jaguar.
( ) to the jaguar's tail.
( ) to the size of the jaguar, measuring from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail.
Question 6 – Note this period of the text:
“Versatile, the feline is capable of living in very different environments, such as the arid Caatinga and the humid Amazon floodplains, where the forests are flooded for several months a year.”
The term "where" resumes:
( ) “very different environments”.
( ) “the arid Caatinga”.
( ) “the humid Amazon floodplains”.
Question 7 – In the part “[…] the jaguar inhabits areas of dense vegetation and it is always close to the water, where you can find your food more easily.”, the highlighted word expresses:
( ) opposing facts.
( ) facts that add up.
( ) alternating facts.
Question 8 – The text about the jaguar was constructed with a language:
( ) cultured.
( ) informal.
( ) regional.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.