The government of President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) published a measure in the Official Gazette authorizing the payment of financial aid to Brazilian pregnant women. The legislation also establishes rules for obtaining the money, which has a value of R$ 65.
The program was called the Pregnant Composition Benefit (BCG), and was given to pregnant women registered in the Single Registry (CadÚnico).
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Therefore, check out this article for more details on how government aid for pregnant women will work.
Read more: Is It Possible That Brazil Aid Increases Its Value?
The rate offered is BRL 65 per month, payable during the first 9 months of pregnancy. According to the benefit rules, payments will be made to the mother regardless of the stage of pregnancy. In other words, even if the mother is close to giving birth, she will have access to the benefit.
Payments must be made regularly, including in cases of abortion, according to the ordinance. In this case, the objective is to help the woman in her recovery. In addition, there will be no restriction on family benefits. However, if a woman conceives again, she will only be eligible for assistance after 12 months.
This is because the intention of the program is that women have more financial support to be able to go through the entire pregnancy in a safer and more peaceful way. Thus, both the mother's life and the child's will be preserved.
Pregnant women will be chosen automatically with the help of the Ministry of Health. This is because data from the Unified Health System (SUS) will be used, which include information about pregnant women, such as the entire process and prenatal exams, for example.
With regard to the beginning of payments for the beneficiary, there are still no established dates. However, according to official information, the transfer of the amount should start to happen in the coming months.