What does the word transgender mean? Transgender is the nomenclature that defines a person who does not identify with their biological sex. This happens when a woman feels trapped in a man's body and vice versa. Biologically their identity is defined, but mentally, the individual feels uncomfortable with their sexuality.
Recently, the subject came back to be talked about with more emphasis after the WHO (World Health Organization) removed the characteristic of mental pathologies. He understands a little better about the subject in the topic below.
Also check: Gender Ideology.
According to the Michaelis dictionary, the word transgender can. be defined as:
“Person whose. gender identity is opposite to that of birth and it acts as if. belonged to the opposite sex. Etymology: you compose from the lat trans+lat genus, -ĕris”.
The first time the term was used was in 1965 by. John Oliven, American psychiatrist at Columbia University in his book: Sexual Hygiene and Pathology. Since then, the term has been used a lot and if. popularized recently with the intense discussions about gender identity.
There are now, worldwide, about 1% of people who are. declare transgender. There is a biological basis that drives an individual to have a. condition, however it is not known for sure exactly what factors drive a person. to develop this characteristic.
Many people understand that being transgender comes from. society and environment in which the person lives. However, there are children of four or so. five years who no longer feel good about their biological sex and act like someone else. of the opposite sex.
Therefore, it is concluded that transsexuality is founded. from childhood and not necessarily attributed to external factors. It's needed. further studies to define at what point in life this condition develops at. mind of the individual, but it is noteworthy that the first signs appear from a. childhood.
Unfortunately, many people who declare themselves transgender suffer from the condition at a very young age. Many of them are bullied and don't even understand why. feel so uncomfortable with their own sexuality.
However, WHO modified the ICD related to transsexuality. O. ICD (International Classification of Diseases) is a coding that standardizes. any types of illnesses, conditions, disorders and causes of death. She exists. for countries to retain statistical and epidemiological information about. their health situation and so that they can plan programs accordingly.
In the CID of transsexuality, people who did not identify themselves. with biological sex they were seen as mentally ill. For a long time, LGBT movements claimed this nomenclature, assuring that a patient. transgender is not a mental patient.
They manifested indignation against the denomination e. insisted that the condition should enter into sexual behaviors rather than. mental ilnesess. With the change in the ICD, the transgender person still has one. classification so you can get medical help for your condition, which you can. include hormonal treatments, psychiatrists and other medical modalities.
Previously, the condition was considered a disorder of. gender identity. The new definition changed the name to “incongruence of. gender”, and is now classified as “health-related conditions. sexual".
It is also worth noting that before, the word used for. defining transgender people was “transsexualism”. This suffix used – “ism”- comes from a Greek term meaning a feature. pathological.
Now, WHO classifies the term as transsexuality, referring to a characteristic rather than a pathology. Homosexuality. also went through a similar process in its classification. Before, the name. given to people who are interested in the same sex was homosexuality. THE. removing the suffix "ism" and replacing it with "deity" depathologizes the condition.
Now, according to the new CID, being transgender is a. “persisting incompatibility in an individual's perception of their own. gender and the designated sex” at birth.
There is a common confusion among people regarding. terms transgender, binary or non-binary. The truth is, there isn't one. standard and in some cases there is no relationship between the terms.
However, people of the binary gender are those who identify themselves. like men or women. Non-binary genres, on the other hand, do not fit within. widely known patterns. You can feel both – man and woman inside the. own body.
Non-binary people generally fall into the category. transgender, but not all. The transgender, or non-binary who, for example, has relationships with women all his life until he assumes his own condition, may not. be interested in men, and vice versa.
Taking on a female identity doesn't mean yours. attraction will suddenly change for men. And the opposite is also true. Transgender and non-binary can be attracted to people of many. genders, including heterosexuals.
Many celebrities and famous people decided to take a. identity that fits your way of thinking and living. We can start. numerous of them, but the best known are:
In short, a transgender person can acquire the condition. right in the first years of life or when you're already in your teens, which is what it is. rarer. But according to the World Health Organization, it is not considered. more like a pathology.
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