Cockroaches are the most well-known urban pests in the world. They have the ability to survive unhealthy places, earthquakes, dirt and places where you least expect it. If you opened your closet and saw a cockroach, the first step is to seek treatment so that they do not proliferate.
For this, the market offers several products that can help you, but there is an incredible formula that will help you to exterminate these insects. Follow!
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It seems strange to imagine that it is possible to eliminate cockroaches from our lives with just one ingredient. However, just a small leaf can keep these insects away from your home in a simple way.
This way of warding off cockroaches is so simple that you won't even need to leave your house to get this ingredient, as you'll probably already have it in your kitchen. So, the
As much as these leaves give a different touch to dishes, insects hate the smell of bay leaves.
The fact of using leaves to ward off cockroaches may seem curious, but the way in which they can be used is even more so. Well, you don't have to prepare anything complex to get rid of them.
It is enough just to place a bay leaf in the place where you found the cockroach passing by. For example, place the dried bay leaf inside the cupboard or anywhere you like.
Change the leaves every 10 or 15 days, long enough for the smell to still be exhaling through the place. Thus, you will always have your furniture free of cockroaches. In addition, you can also place it in the corners of your home to increase efficiency throughout the place.