We selected in this post several suggestions for Student Day Messages and Phrases.
Celebrated annually in Brazil, in the August 11th, O student's day celebrates this phase of our lives in which we seek knowledge through study (whether in schools, colleges, courses, among others). know more clicking here,
It is essential that the student acquires a clear understanding and perception of the values. You must learn to have a clear-cut sense of the beautiful and the morally good.
I recommend only one thing to students: that they love their teachers as much as their studies.
“Dear Students!” Each year, with renewed energy and full of hope, we prepare ourselves to, in some way, help transform our country into a great nation. And today, especially, we bet above all on your ability to create and transform reality. It is not enough to have dreams to make them come true. It is necessary to dream, but on condition that we believe in our dreams. Happy Student Day!”
“Study is glorious, first because it purifies men's customs, second because it provides the benefit of culture. “
"Study was for me the sovereign remedy against the troubles of life, and there is no regret that an hour of reading has not comforted me."
"Over-study causes error, confusion, melancholy, anger and boredom."
"I don't like these studies that have contributed nothing to the virtue of the learned."
"Being a student is understanding what is taught and, in addition to understanding, putting it into practice, being able to critically opine in the face of social reality."
"Being a student is not just going to school, but enjoying every second the lesson is taught."
“Dear student, Live today. He is a precious day, Just as each day of our lives is precious. Congratulations on Student Day.”
If education alone cannot transform society, neither does society change without it. (Paulo Freire)
No matter what your style is, today is your day. Congratulations, student!
Studying is like getting to know different worlds. Novelty time every day. Time of joy every hour. Time to get ready for life… Happy Student Day!
Life is not divided into semesters. You won't always have summers off, and it's unlikely that other employees will help you complete your tasks at the end of each term.
If you find your teacher rude, wait until you have a boss. He will not feel sorry for you.
Anyone who wants to study love will never stop being a student.
Study law because otherwise you'll never become a lawyer… Happy Student's Day!
I recommend only one thing to students: that they love their teachers as much as their studies.
Studying is polishing the precious stone; by cultivating the spirit, we purify it.
Education, if properly understood, is the key to moral progress.
“Studies improve nature and are improved by experience. “
"The gain of our study is to make us better and wiser."
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