Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about the maned wolf. He it is the largest native canid in South America: it measures up to 1m in height; 1.20 to 1.30 m in body length and its weight can reach 20 and 23 kg. Let's get to know him better? For this, read the text carefully! Then answer the proposed interpretive questions!
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Wolf? Only in the nickname. Fox? Neither. Despite the morphological similarities, the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) is a distinct species, not belonging to the genera Canis (dogs, wolves, coyotes and jackals) or Vulpes (foxes), which form the family
The maned wolf is the largest native canid in South America: it measures up to 1m in height; 1.20 to 1.30m in body length and its weight can reach 20 and 23 kg. Its unmistakable red-gold coat, its elongated limbs and peculiar walk can be seen in the vegetation areas. open (fields, savannas and savannah forests) throughout all of Central South America, from northeastern Brazil to northern Brazil. Uruguay.
Omnivorous species, their diet includes large portions of fruits such as "wolfberry" (Solanum lycocarpum) – for which the maned wolf is the main seed disperser – in addition to small mammals, birds, insects and reptiles.
Territorialist, the maned wolf has solitary habits, joining in pairs only during the reproductive season, a period in which the female does not leave the burrow and is fed by the male. Gestation lasts an average of 65 days and results in litters of up to 6 offspring, although the average number of offspring is 2. […]
Habitat loss, mainly, combined with predatory hunting and the expansion of agriculture (conflicts due to occasional predations of the maned wolf over domestic animals) and even running over are the main threats to maned wolf populations, which have suffered a decline significant. […]
What, then, is the maned wolf? It can be said that the Chrysocyon it is a genus with a single species or, in other words, a beautiful result of the paths that Evolution takes. Reason enough, moreover, for it to be preserved.
Rafael Ferreira. Available in: .
Question 1 - According to the text, the maned wolf belongs to the genus:
( ) Kennels.
( ) Vulpes.
( ) Chrysocyon.
Question 2 - Reread the fragment below:
“[…] it measures up to 1m in height; 1.20 to 1.30 m in body length and its weight can reach 20 and 23 kg.”
In this fragment, the author of the text:
( ) provides a description.
( ) exposes an opinion.
( ) narrates a situation.
Question 3 - In the passage “[…] your diet includes large portions of fruit like the 'wolfberry' […]”, the highlighted term indicates:
( ) An example.
( ) a conclusion.
( ) a comparison.
Question 4 – In the excerpt “[…] in addition to small mammals, birds, insects and reptiles.”, the underlined word expresses:
( ) the sum of beings.
( ) the contrast of beings.
( ) the alternation of beings.
Question 5 - In the segment "Territorialist, the maned wolf has solitary habits […]”, the underlined word expresses:
( ) an action of the maned wolf.
( ) a state of the maned wolf.
( ) a way of being of the maned wolf.
Question 6 – In the part “[…] have suffered a significant decline.”, the author refers:
( ) to maned wolf populations.
( ) to the loss of the maned wolf's habitat.
( ) to the running over of maned wolf.
Question 7 – The text about the maned wolf has purposes:
( ) didactic.
( ) scientific.
( ) journalistic.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.