Do you usually spend several hours a day watching television? Then know that a study published in January showed that too much time in front of the TV can cause thrombosis. According to the results of the survey, 4 hours in front of the appliance can increase the chances of thrombosis by up to 35%.
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First, thrombosis is characterized by the development of a blood clot called a thrombus, which causes inflammation in the walls of veins and/or arteries. Thrombi usually form in the vessels of the lower limbs.
The big problem is when the thrombus detaches itself from the vessel wall and advances through the bloodstream, as it can cause an interruption in blood flow. blood in organs such as the brain and heart, which can have harmful consequences such as a stroke, which can even lead to death. death.
Sedentarism is a risk factor for the onset of thrombosis, since the lack of physical activity impairs circulation and this favors the formation of clots in the legs. That is, the relationship between spending many hours in front of the TV and the appearance of thrombosis is due to the lack of body movement.
The study reinforces the relationship between lack of physical exercise and cardiovascular disease. In this sense, the researchers carried out a systematic review of the works present in the literature on the subject and, in all, there were more than 100,000 participants in these studies.
Scientists believe in the hypothesis that, in addition to a sedentary lifestyle, watching TV for many hours favors other risk factors for the development of thrombosis, such as high cholesterol and hypertension. In addition, unhealthy eating habits in front of the television may also contribute to the relationship between TV and thrombosis.
First of all, to avoid the onset of thrombosis, it is very important to lead an active life. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the practice of at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily. That way, you don't have to stop watching TV, as long as you use some of your time to move around.
Also, try to eat healthy, without excessive sweets and fried foods, but with good amounts of fruits, vegetables, beans and lean meats. Anyway, have balance in your routine and your health will be better.