When you need to transfer a sum of money but to a different bank than yours, you use TED or DOC.
The main difference between DOC and TED is the deadline for the amount to be credited to the recipient's account. O TED will be credited to the recipient's account on the same day of the operation, within a maximum period of 60 minutes, while the DOC takes 1 business day after you have carried out the operation. From BRL 5 thousand, the amount is transferred as TED, amounts below that are used as DOC.
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To make a transfer to Banco Itaú, you must have knowledge about your compensation code. This number is what differentiates the financial institution from others.
O Itau Unibanco bank code for DOC or TED it is 341.
When the customer requests the credit transfer service to another institution, the number must be filled in.
It is important to remember to check the transfer rates according to your service package. Not to mention that some bank account packages have a limited amount of transfers included in the cost. The moment you exceed the number of operations, you end up paying more for each transaction.
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