Good oratory is considered fundamental for those who want to face different challenges in the job market. To be successful in this regard, it is important that the candidate is concerned with developing this skill throughout their professional training.
Having mastery of words and the ability to convince others based on convincing arguments directs you to better opportunities. Although this quality is indeed recognized in society, many people are still faced with nervousness and anxiety, the main enemies of good oratory.
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The first consequence caused by these feelings is shortness of breath, as the person begins the process of breathing through the mouth. Although it is considered an automatic action for humans, many people tend to inhale and exhale incorrectly. When they begin to speak in public, the words are cut off, giving the feeling that the lungs do not have enough air.
To acquire good oratory and get rid of these bad feelings, it is essential that people practice improvement techniques, learn how to behave and are dedicated to achieving good results. To help you develop this quality, we will present 10 tips that can expand your skills professionals in several aspects. Check it out below:
Although some people do not pay enough attention to breathing, it is essential for you to be successful in your oratory. The correct way to breathe causes the lung to be completely filled with air. When your chest gets more 'bloated', it's a sign that you use the upper part of your lungs more, and don't use the full capacity of your respiratory system.
In order not to have problems when speaking in public, notice how you perform this act and try to fix it. If you realize that you are breathing wrongly, it is recommended that you lie down and spend a few minutes trying to move your lungs more than your chest while doing this process. Try to take a deep breath and let the air in so that you feel calmer and more relaxed.
To improve your physical condition in many ways, go for walks and light runs. This practice causes the lungs to expand and allows more air to enter. Another advantage is that the exercises increase the elasticity and decrease the rigidity of this organ, which provides a more regulated breathing.
It may be that when starting your oratory, you forget to breathe properly. A tip to re-educate both breathing and speech is to create the habit of reading aloud on other more natural occasions, such as reading a book. Through this training you will feel more confident when giving a speech in public and will increase your chances of doing well.
When presenting in public, it is common to use different types of equipment or technological tools in order to make the presentation more attractive and dynamic. However, a good public speaker should avoid relying on these factors to deliver his speech in public.
Remember that a good presentation is always based on the presenter's knowledge and not on the technical resources available. Of course, you can use them to your advantage, but before that, develop your ability to balance these factors to have a good presentation.
When giving a presentation in public, remember that your behavior is very important to stimulate the interest of the listeners. The look is essential for communication. Speaking while looking at the floor, ceiling or other places is a prohibited element in oratory. It is suggested that you direct your gaze to the most diverse points of the auditorium or focus your eyes between the eyebrows of each participant.
Body movements are excellent for keeping the audience's attention on what is being said, but pay attention to the way you do this. Avoid walking linearly in front of the auditorium, as it is recommended that the movements be triangular.
For those who are used to speaking in public, improvisation can already be complicated, imagine for those who are inexperienced in the subject. In some cases it may even work out, but it's better to be prepared for your speech and avoid going through an unwanted situation. A good speaker doesn't necessarily need to say everything he has planned, but he should address the main arguments that make sense of the speech.
Another very useful suggestion to lose insecurity and reduce anxiety is to rehearse your speech in front of the mirror and pay attention to your facial expressions, gestures and intonation, as all this can be improved considerably in your workouts.
It is important that you are aware that your arguments must be conveyed both verbally and non-verbally. To improve your oratory and make the presentation more dynamic, use your arms, hands and face to affirm and accompany your speech, as it will give the impression that you are really confident about your he speaks. This tip is essential for both the professional and private spheres.
The way you present yourself counts in his presentation. However, your image goes far beyond clothes and shoes. Attitudes and behaviors also influence the construction of your appearance and say a lot about you. Be humble and considerate with your audiences and adapt your language according to their particularities.