The payment of some government benefits is in progress and a question has been very common: it is possible to receive the Auxílio Brasil, Vale-gás and Social Tariff at the same time? The answer is yes, there is such a possibility. So, see now what is needed to be entitled to the three benefits simultaneously.
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Due to the economic crisis, a large portion of the Brazilian population is resorting to federal social programs. In this sense, the value of Auxílio Brasil has served to provide a minimum income for many families, while Vale-gás and Tarifa Social serve to help with household expenses.
To be contemplated with the three benefits, it is necessary to have a link with the Single Registry (CadÚnico). However, in addition, the person also needs to be part of the ranges that characterize social vulnerability.
In addition, each of them has specific concession rules. Therefore, the person who wants to participate in the programs needs to fit in with them as well. Once the requirements are met, it will be possible to apply for and receive all three benefits at the same time. See below what the rules are for each of them.
The minimum aid amount is BRL 400, and the criteria for receiving it are as follows:
This program grants 50% of the average value of the gas cylinder. In this sense, in January of that year, around 5.5 million people received the installment worth R$ 52. See what the program requirements are:
The program is paid preferentially to women victims of domestic violence, if they are under the protection of emergency measures. In addition, beneficiaries of the Continued Benefit Benefit (BPC) may also be entitled.
The Social Tariff offers discounts on the energy bill for those who consume between 30 KWh and 220 KWh of energy per month. In this sense, the concession occurs exclusively through CadÚnico.
Therefore, citizens need to have their information up to date and registered as required. Regarding the request, it can be carried out at the municipality's energy distribution center, simply presenting an official document with a photo.