Many people consider the credit card a villain in financial life. On the other hand, there are those who consider that it can be a great ally, because with a card you can buy online securely, not to mention the practicality of paying some expenses in installments that you cannot afford to pay all at once only. In addition to all this, it is also possible to benefit from the use of a credit card to accumulate miles and being able to buy trips using a specific flag, for example.
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However, it is worth noting that using the card incorrectly can end up making it a big problem. In order to avoid this, you need to choose an ideal credit card to fulfill your needs, without having a chance to dent your budget. In the market, we have several types of cards: with or without annuity, with immediate approval, with cashback, miles and points, with a high limit and much more.
With so many options available, can we choose the best option? With the advancement of technology, nowadays everything has become easier, and even a Quiz to choose your ideal card was created.
The Ideal Card Quiz is nothing more than an online tool and 100% free, which aims to help you find the right credit card for you with just 20 seconds of your time. Whether you're negative, looking for immediate approval or seeking zero annuity, this quiz can get you help, as it focuses on your moment in life and seeks to deliver an option that best matches your style current.
This Quiz is a tool developed by a company called Mobills, which is part of Grupo Toro, whose main objective is to generate financial freedom for people. The company has several initiatives that facilitate the management of its bank accounts, helping to pay minors rates and also manage to simplify the process when looking for your ideal credit card, or maybe even getting one loan.
If you are interested in knowing which card best fits your life, just access this link and respond to the Quiz, which is really fast and practical.
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