O Assistance-Inclusion reaches a range of citizens who receive the Benefit of Continuous Provision (BPC), but who have managed to enter the job market. In this way, the government seeks to help in this phase of life, so that the worker can actually remain in the market. However, it is necessary to follow some rules to be contemplated by the benefit. See what they are!
Read more: INSS will pay extra benefit review money in May.
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Before applying for Assistance-Inclusion, you must be aware of the requirements that need to be met. Especially because, in some of them, you will need to present documentation proving what you declare, such as:
Enrollment to receive Inclusion Aid is done through the Meu INSS application, which is available for Android and iOS devices. By the way, this app will be your way to apply for several other benefits from the federal government, such as the Auxílio Brasil and also the BPC itself.
Therefore, note that when accessing the application there is a button called "New Order", which you must click. Therefore, you will need to type the name of the benefit you intend to use, which can be the Inclusion Aid or any other. And then, when the request appears for you, just select it and follow all the instructions.
Finally, you will have to wait at least 30 days to find out if your request has been granted or not. Remembering that even if you meet all the aid requirements, you will still need to know if the government has vacancies available at that time.