The world is going through a period of crisis and, consequently, the economy ends up being affected. Some people have already lost their jobs, others are afraid of the future that awaits them, as many companies have felt the impact and closed their doors.
Uncertainties affect both employees and small and medium-sized entrepreneurs. Many believe that nothing will be like before.
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If labor issues were already emerging, now it will be more complicated to deal with this subject, alerting to the need to have emotional intelligence so that the actions occur with serenity and in the best possible way.
According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), Brazil started 2020 with 11.9 million unemployed, a rate of 11.2%. According to some scholars, the prospect is that by the end of May, the number will reach the level of 16.5 million.
With the aim of contributing to peopleknow how to deal with this turbulent moment, the conquer business school made available for free emotional intelligence course.
One of the most popular courses, with an average value of R$ 2,000, is being offered at no cost to anyone interested!
“This is an unprecedented action by Conquer. We understand that this is a difficult time when many things are at stake: the economy, jobs, and, above all, mental health. Therefore, we believe that it is time for everyone to do what is within their power to weather this storm in the best possible way”, highlights Sidnei Jr., one of the co-founders of the school.
According to a research done by Deloitte, in the period of peak new coronavirus in China, the psychological stress of employees is largely responsible for 46% of the institutions' afflictions.
“We understand that it is a very complicated time for the economy and, above all, a lot of adaptation. Companies and workers need to reinvent themselves and, for this to be effective and to bring results, a lot of emotional intelligence is needed”, emphasizes Sidnei Jr.
O emotional intelligence concept gained popularity with the publication of the book Emotional intelligence: The revolutionary theory that redefines what it means to be intelligent (1995), by Daniel Goleman.
In the work, the author states that the intellectual factor influences only 20% of the essential skills for someone to be successful. The largest percentage, 80%, is the responsibility of emotions.
Therefore, in addition to technical knowledge, other capabilities are necessary for good professional performance, such as self-awareness, empathy, emotion management, sociability and several other activities involved in intelligence emotional.
Supported by this pillar, the course has a total of eight modules offered by video classes and master class live. In the programmatic content, there will be thematic approaches of Adaptability, Self-knowledge and Self-management, Empathy, Happiness and Leadership.
Big names in the corporate scene are on the participation list, including:
At the end of the course, if the requirements are met, students will receive a certificate. To find out more and register, visit the Conquer website.
*With information from RIC More
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