Of the 34.1 million people who need to declare the Income Tax (IR), only 9,256,613 filed the declaration, that is 27.1% of the total expected for 2022.
The delivery period began on March 7th and ends on April 29th, giving less than a month for those who have not yet delivered the declaration to provide it. Those who do not declare their IR within the deadline will have to pay a fine of R$ 165.74 or 20% on top of the amount due.
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To declare the IR you first need to gather all the necessary documentation. Have the income report that can be obtained from February 18th on the Meu INSS website.
Then download the Income Tax Program on your computer, or if you prefer, download the My Income Tax application on your cell phone. Install following the guidelines of the program or application itself.
Those who are retired from the INSS, keep an eye on the information that must be included in the declaration:
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