Applications for the program will be open until January 25, 2015 Teachers for the Future, whose main objective is to select and send teachers from institutions of the Federal Education Network Vocational, Scientific and Technological training in Finnish universities of science applied.
The action, which is regulated by Public Call No. 26/2015, emerged from a partnership between the Department of Education Professional and Technological (Setec) of the Ministry of Education and the National Council for Scientific and Technological (CNPq).
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Those interested in participating in the selection must submit a work proposal on professional and technological education, which must be carried out in Brazil.
The opportunities are for professors who have at least one year of effective exercise in the institutions that are part of the Federal Network. In addition, it is requested that in the last three years the candidate has not participated in a training program abroad, similar to the public call, promoted by Setec.
After being selected, teachers will undergo a training period equivalent to three months at Häme University of Applied Sciences (Hamk) and Tampere University of Applied Sciences (Tamk). As soon as this period ends, the professionals will return to Brazil to carry out the projects in the institutions of origin, for up to five months.
For three months, professionals will receive a grant per project. Work proposals must be sent to CNPq, via the internet, just fill out the proposal form, which is accessible at Carlos Chagas Platform.
See too: Free sharing platform offers many educational resources for teachers.