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You vertebrate animals they are chordates and have as their main characteristic the presence of a vertebral column formed by several vertebrae that support the body.
We prepared a list of exercises on subphylum Vertebrata so that you can test your knowledge about the vertebrate animals of this subphylum.
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1) (UFPI) The following characteristics are presented by certain groups of vertebrates.
I – Presence of amnion and allantois.
II – Egg with calcareous shell.
III – Large amount of veal.
a) Bird and fish.
b) Bird and amphibian.
c) Fish and reptile.
d) Reptile and amphibian.
e) Bird and reptile.
2) (UDESC) Associate the first column with the second regarding circulation in vertebrates. Tick the alternative that contains the correct sequence, from top to bottom:
a) 2 – 3 – 4 – 6 – 5 – 1
b) 6 – 3 – 5 – 4 – 2 – 1
c) 2 – 1 – 6 – 5 – 3 – 4
d) 2 – 3 – 5 – 6 – 1 – 4
e) 6 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 3 – 4
3) (UFC) Regarding the body temperature control process in vertebrates, it is correct to state that:
a) Reptiles, ectothermic animals, maintain their body temperature always high due to the presence of dermal scales, which function as a thermal insulator.
b) Ectothermic animals, such as birds, depend on an external source of heat, as well as the help of feathers to maintain a constant body temperature.
c) The need for humid environments for the survival of amphibians is mainly a consequence of their ectothermia.
d) Endothermic animals are able to maintain a constant body temperature through internal heat production.
e) Endothermy and homeothermy are characteristics shared by cartilaginous mammals and fish.
4) (UFPB) Considering the general characteristics of vertebrate animals, it is correct to state:
a) Birds have incomplete or complete double circulation.
b) Reptiles have functional metanephro-type kidneys that mainly excrete ammonia.
c) Amphibians breathe through gills.
d) Most mammals are placental, although there are anamniote representatives.
e) Mammals and birds have viviparous development.
5) Mark the statements below with (T) for true or (F) for false:
( ) Amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals are considered tetrapods.
( ) All representatives of the subphylum Vertebrata have vertebrae.
( ) Chondrictes are aquatic animals, endowed with a cartilaginous skeleton.
( ) Agnates have a circular mouth and no jaw.
( ) Class Amphibia is represented only by toads, frogs and tree frogs.
6) Vertebrates have several characteristics that differentiate them from each other. Fish, for example, breathe through gills, while mammals, through lungs. However, all vertebrates have some features in common.
Mark the only alternative that does not indicate a characteristic shared by all vertebrates.
a) All vertebrates have a skull.
b) All vertebrates have tissues derived from ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm.
c) All vertebrates have a coelom.
d) All vertebrates have a complete digestive system.
e) All vertebrates have a circulatory system consisting of a four-chambered heart.
7) (Unespar) The Vertebrata subphylum comprises about 50,000 species, with aquatic, terrestrial and aerial representatives. Mark the correct alternative about the study of vertebrates:
a) Cartilaginous fish have a swim bladder, a terminal mouth and a caudal fin.
b) Bony fish have placoid scales, double heart and double circulation.
c) Amphibians are homeothermic animals, and their main form of respiration is pulmonary.
d) Reptiles have eggs with shell, keratinized integument and ability to maintain a constant body temperature.
e) Birds have shelled eggs, pneumatic bones and a structure capable of producing sounds, called the syrinx.
8) Vertebrates correspond to a group of animals that do not have jaws (Agnatha) and those that do (Gnathostomata). The group that has jaws includes some fish and tetrapods. Regarding gnathostomes, mark the correct alternative:
a) all gnathostomes lay eggs.
b) all gnathostomes have a bony skeleton.
c) only one group of gnathostomes is endothermic.
d) gnathostomes have pulmonary respiration.
e) Birds and mammals are examples of gnathostomes.
9) (UFU) The platypus, found in Australia and Tasmania, represented here as first; and the opossums, from South America, represented here as second, are classified as:
a) The first is a Prototherium, oviparous and suckles the young; the second is Metatério, viviparous, with poorly developed placenta and suckles the young.
b) The first is a Prototherium, oviparous and does not suckle the young; the second is Metatério, viviparous and does not have a placenta and does not breastfeed the young.
c) The first and second are Metatherians, oviparous, with poorly developed placenta and suckle their young.
d) The first is a Metatherium, oviparous and does not breastfeed its young; the second is Metatherium, viviparous and with a developed and lasting placenta.
e) None of the above alternatives.
10) Vertebrates are a group of chordates that have an endoskeleton that protects the nervous system. Vertebrates are usually divided into seven major groups, which include:
a) urochordates, cephalochordates and mammals.
b) agnathas, chondrichtes and cephalochordates.
c) urochordates, cephalochordates and agnathas.
d) chondrictes, osteichtes and agnathus.
e) birds, mammals and urochordates.
1 and
2 – d
3 – d
4 – c
5 – V, F, V, V, F
6 – and
7 – and
8 – and
9 – the
10 – d
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