Considered the “social arm” of the Federal Government, the initial focus of Auxílio Brasil was to replace the old current benefit, called Bolsa Família. Integrating into a single program several public policies for social assistance, health, education, employment and income, This benefit directly and indirectly transfers income to families in poverty and vulnerability. Aid amounts usually vary according to the needs of the family. To find out why the R$400 Brazil Aid may end, check out this article.
Read more: Complement your Brazil Aid with another 300 reais; Check the prerequisites.
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In addition to guaranteeing a basic income for families living in poverty and extreme poverty throughout the country, the Brazil Aid seeks to simplify the basket of benefits and encourage the emancipation of participating families, so that they can achieve autonomy, overcoming situations of vulnerability.
Citizens who are entitled to this aid must be in a situation of poverty, or extreme poverty, or even families in emancipation rule. Families considered to be in extreme poverty are those with a per capita family income of up to R$ 105.00. Families in poverty are those with monthly per capita income between R$ 105.00 and R$ 210.00.
This benefit works in the same way as Bolsa Família. In view of this, families need to be enrolled in CadÚnico (Cadastro Único) and meet the conditions provided for by the program.
The amount is deposited in a social savings account and can be used using the Bolsa Família card (the password for the card remains the same). This card contains the Social Identification Number (NIS), a document that shows the citizen's registration in the program, in addition to informing the date of receipt of the benefit.
Provisional Measure 1076/2021, in which Brazil Aid is located, establishes an “extraordinary benefit” of R$ 400 for all beneficiary families. However, it only guarantees the complement for one year - until December 2022 - the same period for the end of the Brazil Aid. Therefore, in this way, the program has no guarantee of continuity in 2023.