O Whatsapp is considered to be one of the most popular instant messaging services used by people all over the world. The end-to-end encrypted messaging platform allows us to connect with users around the world, as well as share media such as images, videos and audio clips.
If you want to send a message to several people in your contact list at once, you can do the same by creating a broadcast list in WhatsApp.
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When you send a message to the list, it will be sent to all recipients on the list who have your number saved in their contact list. If someone doesn't have the number saved, they won't receive the message. Users will receive the message like a normal WhatsApp message.
There is no limit to the number of broadcast lists you can create. WhatsApp allows users to select up to 256 contacts in each broadcast list.
1. Open the broadcast list you want to edit by tapping on it.
2. Tap on the three-dot menu located in the upper right corner of the broadcast list screen.
3. Tap on the Streaming List Information option.
4. On the broadcast list information screen, you will be able to change the name of your broadcast list, add more recipients and remove recipients.