![Portuguese Activity: Questions about Adversative Conjunctions](/f/e21ab1194daa0428d27d48cfeefe4507.png?width=100&height=100)
You individuals of the Monera Kingdom are bacteria and cyanobacteria. These are present in the most diverse places. In addition, they are easy to reproduce and, consequently, rapidly proliferate.
OKingdom Monerahas the structurally simplest organisms of all living things, the bacteria.
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They are unicellular, prokaryotic organisms (cells without a nuclear membrane), some may be autotrophic like cyanobacteria, but most are heterotrophic. They can be organized in cell aggregates forming a colony.
Shall we test your knowledge about this Kingdom?
1) (UFMG) Since their introduction in the 1940s, antibiotics have become a success in controlling bacterial diseases, being considered miracle drugs. Consequently, people started to believe that these diseases were a thing of the past. However, there has been a “resurgence” of many of them. All of the following measures can be implemented, at a public health level, to minimize the growing problem of bacteria with multiple antibiotic resistance,
a) increase the prophylactic use of these drugs in animal feed, aiming at immunizing consumers.
b) create hospital and community surveillance programs to prevent the inappropriate and abusive use of these drugs.
c) prohibit the over-the-counter sale of these drugs and inform the population about the risks of self-medication.
d) vaccinate the population to increase the body's defenses against bacterial diseases, reducing the use of these drugs.
2) Kingdom Monera: We know that very few beings are able to directly fix nitrogen from the atmosphere. Which of the following statements demonstrates a being with this ability?
a) Poriferous.
b) Cyanobacteria.
c) Euglenas.
d) Salmonella.
3) The bacterium that presents an extramembranous layer in the structure of its cell wall, which “stains” pink with the Gram stain and which are more resistant to antibiotics, in addition to being potentially more toxic, is classified as:
a) Gram positive bacteria
b) Gram negative bacteria
c) Gram's bacteria
d) mycoplasma
e) All of the above are wrong
4) (UFMG) In which alternative are the two characteristics common to all individuals of the Monera kingdom?
a) Absence of nucleus and presence of chlorophyll
b) Absence of nuclear membrane and protein synthesis capacity
c) Inability to protein synthesis and exclusive parasites
d) Presence of only one type of nucleic acid and absence of chlorophyll
e) Absence of plasmatic membrane and presence of DNA and RNA.
5)(PUC-SP) Read carefully:
“At the end of May and the middle of June, the people of England and the United States were shaken by what presented itself as ominous news: a small outbreak of disease caused by invasive streptococcus of the group A. Although the spread of the disease did not seem calamitous, the rapidity of its evolution and the lethality of some cases contributed to the sensationalist press disclosing that they were the beginnings of a very serious pandemic.
This was soon contested by the doctors, who informed that it was a known and curable disease if diagnosed in time. Streptococci are microbes that look like microscopic balls (cocci), which come in pairs or in more or less long chains. Widespread in nature, they occur as forms
saprophytes, which develop freely in organic matter, and as pathogenic forms, which cause many diseases in man and animals. […]”.
(Leaf of St. Paul, 7 Aug. 1994.)
The microbe referred to in the text is:
a) a virus.
b) a protozoan.
c) a fungus.
d) a bacteria.
e) a larva.
6) (Fatec-SP) Select the correct alternative.
a) Bacteria generally reproduce by binary fission, an asexual form of reproduction whereby a single bacterium can give rise to a “clone”, that is, a population of identical bacteria.
b) Bacteria and cyanophyceous algae are distinguished from all other living beings because they do not have a karyotheque surrounding the nuclear material, that is, they are eukaryotes.
c) Bacteria only live isolated, although close; never form colonies.
d) In some species of bacteria, the phenomenon of conjugation is observed, that is, a type of asexual reproduction.
e) Cyanophytic algae resemble bacteria, but are heterotrophic, that is, they produce organic matter by photosynthesis.
7) Mark the alternative that indicates a structure absent in all bacteria:
a) Flagella.
b) Plasma membrane.
c) Cell wall.
d) Cytoplasm.
e) Carioteca.
8) Kingdom Monera is one of the five kingdoms proposed by Whittaker, in which all organisms are found:
a) autotrophs.
b) unicellular.
c) prokaryotes.
d) heterotrophs.
e) photosynthetic.
9) (PUC-RJ) During an examination of a sick child, the doctor explains to the parents that the patient has a disease caused by a unicellular organism, prokaryotic and that can be fought with the use of medicine known generically as a antibiotic. The doctor described an organism classified as:
a) Fungi.
b) Animal.
c) Protista.
d) Viruses.
e) Monera.
10)(Unesp). Kingdom Monera: Regarding dental caries, it can be said that:
a) all caries initially produce painful sensations that tend to disappear as the destruction reaches the dentin.
b) once installed, it is advisable to use dental floss in their treatment.
c) is the result of interaction between tooth, pathogenic bacteria and diet.
d) its evolution does not affect other parts of the organism.
e) cavities that settle in teeth of the first dentition do not need to be treated, since these teeth will be replaced by teeth of the permanent dentition.
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