You Republican and Democratic Parties, since the 19th century, have alternated power in the United States of America.
In summary, the democratic ideology favors State intervention in the economy and philosophy in the most liberal perspective. On the other hand, the republican ideology embraces the milder action of the State and legitimizes more conservative ideas.
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However, even though there is a lot of talk about both parties in the US and they are the two largest, there are not only two parties in the country. However, the way in which the electoral system is organized in the U.S makes them take over the political scene.
Understand a little more about these two great parties.
The Republican Party, commonly known by the acronym GOP, whose meaning is grand old party (Great Old Party) had its origin inspired by the Federalist Party, existing after the Independence of the United States of America.
Its characteristics are a pending profile of political conservatism and liberalism economic. They are called nomenclatures such as conservative (conservative) and conservative liberal (conservative liberal).
In view of this, there is an interest in the defense of private property, the legal carrying of weapons, the free market and free competition.
The Democratic Party had its origin inspired by the Jeffersonian Republican Party, which was organized in the late 18th century. With a large presence in the South of the USA, the Democratic party was uniting the agrarian slave agenda.
Aligned with progressivism, as the political left has it, the Democratic Party is liberal, but not from the perspective of classical British liberalism. Its guidelines are linked to affirmative action policies, social assistance, state intervention in the economy, social movements, etc.
In 1874, the cartoonist Thomas Nast elaborated the Democratic and Republican Party Symbols.
In Thomas Nast's cartoon, the elephant is shown on the left side, and the donkey with a lion's coat in the center.
The donkey is the symbol of the Democratic Party and the elephant the symbol of the Republican Party.
By symbolizing the democrats in the image of a donkey, the cartoonist intended to propagate the idea of those belonging to the party, who had the animal as the representation of boldness, firmness and stubbornness. But, on the other hand, Republican rivals took advantage of the image of the donkey to mock the Democrats.
A similar situation recurs with the elephant. To mock the republicans, the Democrats compared the elephant to the republicans, claiming that they were arrogant, pompous and superb. However, Republicans argued that it was the symbol of the party's dignity and strength.
After Civil War (1861-1865), also known as the American Civil War, the United States presented changes in different areas, such as economic, social and political.
At the time, there was the abolition of slavery. However, at the same time, agrarian activity in the South needed continuity, which led to other attempts.
Soon, it didn't take long for the USA to plan itself in the American continent and in the world context. So, after the period of First War, the Republican and Democratic parties have redefined themselves.
In this process, members of the Democratic Party passed to the Republican Party. Faced with this, the Democratic Party conceived a more progressive line, linked to the workers and to labor and welfare policies.
This, especially after Crisis of 1929 and being ahead President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The perspective is still maintained.
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