The pre-salt layer, which represents a new oil potential for the country, is located in the basins of the South and Southeast of Brazil. It is about 800 kilometers long and 200 kilometers wide.
According to information from Petrobras, the pre-salt layer goes from the coast of Espírito Santo to Santa Catarina. It will significantly increase the company's oil and natural gas reserves.
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The first area assessed in this region, the so-called Campo de Tupi, has estimated volumes of between five and eight billion barrels of oil. This represents the largest oil field discovered in the world since 2000.
Estimates indicate that Tupi should increase Petrobras' reserves by another 50%. In addition to the oil potential, the discoveries in the pre-salt region are distinguished by the quality of the oil.
Most of Petrobras' reserves are heavy oil. The pre-salt deposits, with light hydrocarbons, natural gas and condensate, can change the profile of the company's reserves, reducing the import of light oil and natural gas.
The pre-salt layer is ranked third below sea level, under the post-salt and salt layers. It reaches more than seven thousand meters below the surface of the sea.