You Achaeans, Ionians, aeoliansIt isDorians were people who lived in antiquity and inhabited the region of Greece.
They contributed to the development of Greek culture and to the construction of the Greek world in antiquity. In addition, they were responsible for the creation of the Greek people.
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You Achaeans were one of the first peoples to inhabit the region of the Peloponnese, being responsible for the colonization of part of the Ancient Greece.
Around 2000 a. C., they moved to territories located in the vicinity of the Mediterranean Sea. Indo-Europeans, the Achaeans were people nomads who lived in search of fertile lands.
They formed a warrior civilization that dominated the people who settled in Greece, called the Pelasgians.
When they inhabited the region, they founded several cities, among which Mycenae stands out. Therefore, they became known as Mycenaeans.
Argos and Tirinto were important urban, political and economic centers that prevailed in this period. By engaging in trade, they economically dominated the eastern Mediterranean region.
When they arrived in Crete, they dominated the Cretans and formed a culture that became known as Creto-Mycenaean. Some time later, they faced the Trojans during the trojan war.
You Ionians were one of the people who contributed to the formation of greek culture. Also called Ionic and Ionic, they played an important role in the construction of the Greek world.
They settled in Greece around 2000 BC. C., more precisely in the region of Peloponnese and Attica, modifying the entire structure established until then.
With a violent military tradition, they occupied various regions of Hellas in a cruel way.
They were responsible for the enslavement of several peoples that inhabited the region, mainly the Achaeans and the Aeolians.
The expansion of this civilization led to the construction of several temples, palaces and walls, highlighting the presence of this people in the territory. In addition, they even formed the Ionian League, composed of twelve cities.
After the invasion of the Dorians in the Peloponnese region, the Ionians migrated to Asia Minor.
You aeolians were peoples who invaded and dominated the region of Ancient Greece. They were one of the ethnic groups responsible for the formation of the Greek people, along with the Ionians, Achaeans and Dorians.
They were so called because they believed that they originated from the Greek god Aeolus. In all the places they settled, they developed their culture intensely.
They weren't known as violent peoples, so they earned the respect of other peoples by keeping their domain unchanged.
At the time of the invasion of the Aeolians in the region of Greece, the Achaeans and the Ionians already inhabited the territory. His arrival was peaceful, without the occurrence of wars.
What happened was the assimilation of these people into an existing structure. Until the arrival of the Dorians, they lived peacefully with other peoples. Agriculture was the basis of their culture.
The invasion of the Dorians was decisive for the other peoples that inhabited Hellas. The violence adopted by them provoked an intense transformation in Greece, causing the Aeolians to move to territories belonging to Asia Minor.
You Dorians they are also peoples of Indo-European origin who contributed to the development of the Greek world.
With the Achaeans, Ionians and Aeolians, they were responsible for the formation of Greek culture. Even though they did not master writing, the Dorians had their own dialect and culture, dominating regions of the Peloponnese, Attica and the island of Crete.
They conquered several regions violently, destroying cities that were previously inhabited by the Achaeans.
Even building several urban centers, the period of Doric domination became known as Age of darkness in Greece.
The First Greek Diaspora occurred as a result of the Doric invasion that caused many people to disperse to other locations.
This migration triggered the creation of several city-states and a new organization in the social structure in which, later, the genos.
The militaristic character of Spartan society can be explained by the Doric origin, since most of the Spartans who lived in Sparta were descendants of these peoples.
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