With the intention of offering a free and interactive virtual environment for tutoring, the Ministry of Education - MEC created the International Bank of Educational Objects MEC – BIOE, an open access repository that maintains and shares diverse educational resources.
It came about in partnership with the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Latin American Network of Educational Portals – RELPE, the Organization of Ibero-American States – OEI and others.
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In order to make the study more dynamic and attractive, teaching resources are offered in different formats, such as: audio, video, animation, simulation, educational software, image, map, hypertext and much more more.
All of them take into account the reality of the local educational community, in addition to respecting the particularities of the language and culture of each region.
Through this initiative, we seek to encourage and support individual experiences in different countries, in a democratic and participatory manner. Therefore, countries that are more advanced in the use of technologies in education will be able to significantly contribute for others to also reach their level.
Professors located anywhere in the world will be able to access the resources in their native language, considering that the repository has resources from different countries and languages. In addition, they will be able to translate materials that are in another language and publish their productions, in order to collaborate with the content replacement process.
See too: What is the MEC portal?
Publications can be accessed by managers of local educational policies, school managers, managers of educational repositories, teachers of Basic, Professional and Higher Education, producers of digital pedagogical resources, researchers, as well as the population in general.
Click here to access the page.