To the plant cells are present in all individuals of the kingdom plantae. They have a cell wall made of cellulose and plastids, including the chloroplasts, as unique features.
The Escola Educação team has prepared a list of exercises with feedback so that you can test your knowledge about cytology vegetable.
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1) Vacuoles are existing structures in different cell types, however, the cell juice vacuole is a typical plant cell structure. Observe the functions below and mark the one that cannot be assigned to the vacuole.
a) Acts in the storage of substances.
b) It participates in the process of cellular respiration.
c) Performs the digestion of cellular components.
d) Promotes osmotic control.
e) It helps to maintain the pH.
2) (UFSCar) In a plant cell, the genetic material is concentrated inside the nucleus, which is delimited by a membrane. In addition to this region, genetic material is also found within the:
a) Endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus.
b) Golgi complex and chloroplast.
c) lysosome and endoplasmic reticulum.
d) lysosome and mitochondria.
e) chloroplast and mitochondria.
3) (UFF) The accumulation of heavy metals in the soil, such as cadmium, zinc and lead, resulting from industrial activities, has a great impact on the biota of these places. Despite being required in small amounts by living organisms, the excess of these metals is toxic for most species and compromises their survival.
Some plant species are able to grow in soils that contain large amounts of these metals. In the cells of these plants, different mechanisms for resistance to these metals can be found, such as immobilization by polysaccharides, such as pectin, and the formation of complexes with organic acids inside the organelle that occupies the largest volume of the cell developed.
The sites in the plant cell where the aforementioned mechanisms occur are, respectively:
a) plasma membrane and chloroplast.
b) cell wall and vacuole.
c) microtubules and lysosome.
d) cell wall and ribosome.
e) plasma membrane and vacuole.
4) (Udesc) Analyze the propositions regarding the characteristics of the chloroplasts present in the plant cell, and mark (T) for true and (F) for false.
( ) Chloroplasts are organelles made up of two membranes and have their own DNA.
( ) Chloroplasts do not have their own DNA, but have RNAs and ribosomes for protein synthesis.
( ) The stroma is the matrix of the chloroplast, where several enzymes that participate in photosynthesis are found.
( ) Thylakoids are flattened vesicles that contain pigments that absorb light energy.
( ) Granum is present in stromal vacuoles and participates in the dark phase of photosynthesis
Tick the alternative that contains the correct sequence, from top to bottom.
a) V-T-F-F-F.
b) F-T-F-F-V.
c) F-F-T-F-V.
d) T-F-T-T-F.
e) F-F-V-V-F.
5) (FUVEST) Cells of certain organisms have organelles that produce ATPs and use them for the synthesis of organic substance from carbon dioxide. These organelles are:
a) lysosomes.
b) mitochondria.
c) chloroplasts.
d) the Golgi system.
e) the nucleoli.
6) (FEI) The absence of chloroplasts in underground root cells and in the innermost cells of plants is justified by the fact that:
a) the presence of water and organic and inorganic soil nutrients are triggering factors for the synthesis of all plastids, regardless of the light factor.
b) Underground organs under no circumstances manage to form plastids and proplasts.
c) the presence of light is fundamental for the formation of chlorophyll and for the organization of plastids.
d) soil aeration interferes directly with the differentiation of chloroplasts, but not with the process of taking up water by the roots.
e) soil temperature does not interfere in the mechanism of water absorption by the root, but only in the production of chlorophyll and chloroplasts.
7) (UFAL) In a plant cell in differentiation, it is observed that the secondary wall is formed:
a) externally to the primary wall, enlarging the cell lumen, and deposits heavily in the pits.
b) externally to the primary wall, reducing the cell lumen, and deposits heavily in the pits.
c) internally to the primary wall, reducing the cell lumen, and not deposited in the pits.
d) internally to the primary wall, increasing the cell lumen, and deposits heavily in the pits.
e) in alternating layers with the primary wall, not affecting the cell lumen or pits.
8) In relation to chloroplasts, mark the alternative that expresses a concept incorrect:
a) are responsible for the synthesis of organic substances.
b) all plants have chloroplasts with the exception of fungi, blue algae, bacteria.
c) they are provided with chlorophyll, carotene, xanthophylls and nucleic acids.
d) are responsible for cellular oxidations.
e) release oxygen when exposed to white sunlight.
9) (PUC-RIO) Which of the characteristics below no is present in plant cells?
a) cell wall
b) mitochondria
c) Individualized core
d) Vacuole
e) centrioles
10) The cellulosic cell wall is present:
a) in all cells, whether prokaryotic or eukaryotic.
b) only in animal cells.
c) only in plant cells.
d) only in eukaryotic cells.
e) only in prokaryotic cells.
1) b
2) and
3) b
4) d
5) c
6) c
7) c
8) d
9 and
10) c
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