An Ibope survey carried out in March, after President Jair Bolsonaro's first decree thatmade gun ownership more flexible, says that 73% of those interviewed are against making gun ownership more flexible for ordinary citizens and 26% are in favor. 1% did not know or did not answer.
The right to carry is the authorization to carry the weapon outside the home.
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Respondents were also asked about owning weapons: 61% are against making it easier to have a weapon at home; 37% are in favor and 2% did not know or did not respond.
In five months of government, Bolsonaro fulfilled his campaign promise and issued three decrees on weapons:
The Ibope survey was carried out between March 16 and 19, before two decrees issued by the government focused on carrying weapons. 2,002 people were interviewed in 143 municipalities. The margin of error is plus or minus two percentage points.
The opinion on the flexibilization of tenure varies according to the region of the country, and between men and women. In the South region, support for the measure is greater:
Loosening gun ownership has greater support among men:
As for the flexibility to carry firearms, 73% declared themselves against and 26% in favor. Among men, support for flexibility is greater:
Regarding the flexibility of size by region:
The Ibope survey also says that 51% of the population disagrees with the statement that the increase in armed people makes society safer. Furthermore, 37% disagree with the idea that having a gun in the home makes it safer; on the other hand, 31% said they were completely convinced that the house is safer with a gun.
In the case of carrying, 47% strongly disagreed that carrying a gun makes a person safer, and another 18% partially disagreed.
In January, Bolsonaro signed a decree that facilitated gun ownership: the Federal Police should presume as true the declaration of “effective necessity” for the citizen who wants to have a gun in House.
In practice, this statement would be proven to anyone who met the other requirements. The text maintained age above 25 years as requirements, in addition to the presentation of a technical aptitude certificate, psychological report and criminal record certificate.
The May 8 decree revoked the January one and, in addition to the rules for possession, included new rules for carrying weapons. Regarding size, the text says that, for some categories, such as politicians, lawyers, truck drivers, traffic agents and residing in a rural area, the PF must understand that the proof of “effective necessity” to carry a weapon outside has been fulfilled From home;
The text from the beginning of May also classified weapons that were previously restricted to security forces, including rifles, as permitted use.
On May 22, the government backtracked and amended the previous decree, banning the carrying of rifles, carbines or shotguns for ordinary citizens. But it kept facilitating the port for a series of professionals, now including the port guard.
(Source: G1Notícias)
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