To thefablesthey are brief narrations that always end with a teaching, known as the “moral of the story”. Generally, your characters are animals or fictional objects.
In addition, fables are great alternatives to educate children. Because, in addition to developing the imagination, they also convey some life lessons.
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A fable of the hare and the tortoise it is an example. The story takes place in a forest, where there is a hare and a turtle. The hare used to tease the tortoise for its sluggishness. One day, the tortoise decided to challenge the hare to a race. The hare, sure he would win, accepted.
When the start was given, both started to run. As expected, the hare was much faster than the tortoise and decided to stop and rest. With that, the tortoise passed the hare and won the race.
Moral of the story: “Slow and steady wins the race”.
Check now the The Hare and the Tortoise Complete Story.
In the world of animals there lived a very proud and vain hare, who never ceased to say that he was the fastest and bragged about it, in the face of the slowness of the tortoise.
“Here comes Miss Turtle, walk calmly, I’m going to get out of her way so I don’t get run over!” She sang mocking the hare of the poor turtle.
One day, the tortoise thought of making a bet that was at least unusual for the hare:
- I'm sure I can beat you in a race! She challenged the turtle.
- To me?! Mocked the scared hare with the challenge.
- Yes, to you, said the tortoise. Let's place our bets and see who wins the race!
The hare, half incredulous, accepted. All the animals gathered to watch the race. The owl marked the starting and finishing point, and without further ado, the competition began amidst the incredulity of those watching.
Confident of her speed, the hare let the tortoise take advantage and made fun of her. Soon, she started running fast and overtook the turtle that walked slowly, but without stopping.
She only stopped halfway, in front of a green and leafy pasture, where she decided to rest before finishing the race. There, she fell asleep while the turtle walked on step by step, slowly but without stopping.
When the hare woke up, he saw desperately that the tortoise was a very short distance from the finish line. She took off running with all her might, but it was too late. The tortoise had won the race!
That day the hare learned, in the midst of great humiliation, that he should not boast to others. He also learned that overconfidence is an obstacle to achieving our goals.
See also the fable The cicada and ant