As a way to reduce the stress caused by spending a lot of time at work, directors Carolina Mazziero and Liana Feracotta, Unilever employees, proposed to their superior the idea of share the same role in the direction of HR. The practice of job sharing is becoming more and more common in the business world and is known as job sharing.
The suggestion of the two directors was well accepted and it has been in the testing phase for just over 15 days at the company. It works like this:
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Carolina goes to the company on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. While Liana took Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The schedules are not fixed and both have a day off on Fridays!
Carolina explains that they chose not to be at the company on Friday because on that day most employees work home office. However, the two stay in the office Tuesday and Wednesday together because, in the first moment of practice, found it important to have moments of interface to make the process clearer for others employees.
According to the two directors, with the workload reduced by 40%, they can spend more time with their children, take new courses and improve their quality of life.
“There is a great personal benefit in sharing a position. I manage to take my kids to school, read articles, study, listen to podcasts. This is very important for a professional in an agile world like the one we are living in”, said Liana.
job sharing also brings good results for the company, such as a reduction in the expense spreadsheet, as the employee's salary is lower in the regime, and the attraction of new talents, since flexibility at work has increasingly become a striking and positive aspect when choosing where to go to work.
Improving the quality of life can also increase the productivity of the company's employees and the positive image that consumers have of the company in the market.
None of the directors see negative points in the change of routine. According to the directors, the only difficulties are figuring out how to maintain discipline, how to disconnect completely during rest periods and organize yourself in an effective, quick and shared way.
“The corporate world rotates five days a week and we are only rotating three. It's not easy to disconnect from email, cell phone, or even mentally. This is the main challenge at the moment”, said Liana.
To solve the organization's impasse, Liana and Carolina meet every Tuesday at 8 am to discuss the missions and weekly activities that both need to perform. On the other two days, WhatsApp is a faithful friend to share (in addition to the position) news and problems that the corporate day-to-day brings.
It is more common to find CEOs sharing the task of leading companies, which is what happens at Chipotle, a chain of US restaurants, the Whole Foods market, with Deutsche Bank, and also with Samsung, where three presidents share the office.
The initiative at Unilever, even on an experimental basis, makes the new way of working a reality closer to the Brazilian market and, who knows, more companies may adhere to the job sharing.
(Source: Exam)