Have you ever thought about participating in a totally online and free education festival during the quarantine? So get ready for the first edition of live preparation, a relaxed way to bring knowledge to your home.
The event will be broadcast live on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, through Universia Brasil, in partnership with the dream factory. A live will be presented by Santander and will bring together several professors and specialists.
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The festival, aimed at pre-university and university students from across the country, will be broadcast on April 30, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. During this period, exclusive content will be presented with tips on careers, interactivity, home study, among other subjects.
Preparadão Live will be hosted by singer and actress Aline Wirley. Confirmed teachers are:
Finally, there will be a special performance by DJ Denis.
Preparadão Live will have four phases. The first is the Knowledge Roulette, in which a subject will be raffledevery round and the next teacher will give a class pocketon the subject, with the main highlights.
The second stage will be preparagame, which consists of a dispute between teachers throughout the festival. The fans can be mentioned through the hashtags of each teacher.
O What is the question? allows direct public participation. Teachers will receive the answers, but will have to figure out which question corresponds. Finally, the Gallows Challenge, completing the sentences of the game and, finally, rewarding the champion teacher.
Preparadão Universia is one of the biggest education festivals in Brazil. In the 2018 and 2019 editions, it brought together more than 10,000 people at Ginásio Ibirapuera, São Paulo.
Preparadão Live is an initiative of the digital platform Preparation Live 2020, which is expected to launch in May, as an alternative to the period of social isolation caused by the new coronavirus.
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