The National Commitment to Basic Education provides for the implementation of 108 civic-military schools until 2023. The document presented yesterday (11/07), in Brasília, brings together actions that are being planned to possibly be implemented until the end of the government.
According to the Ministry of Education (MEC), the objective of the change is to implementation and strengthening, along with the networks of public education, in new management models of high level, in the standards used in the military colleges.
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In the document, the completion of more than 4,000 daycare centers is pending by 2022; the connection of 6,500 rural schools via broadband satellite in all states; and offering distance learning courses to improve teacher education by 2020, among other actions.
The action plan, drawn up by the MEC together with states and municipalities represented by the National Council of Secretaries of Education (Consed) and the National Union of Municipal Education Directors (Undime) are focused on education basic.
According to the Minister of Education, Abraham Weintraub, the objective is to provide more protagonism to states and municipalities, following the motto defended by the government of less Brasilia and more Brazil. “The ideas already existed, I needed to transform potential energy into kinetic energy,” he said. Weintraub also points out that Brazil has good initiatives and resources that give direction to improve the country's education.
With all the actions, the MEC states that Brazil can become a reference in education in Latin America by 2030. “We, as Brazilians, in essence, are as good as any country in the world”, said the minister.
Being an agenda defended since the campaign of President Jair Bolsonaro, the civic-military model aims to make a shared management between the Secretariat of Education and Public Security. Thus, civic-military schools are non-militarized institutions, but with a team of reserve soldiers acting as tutors.
According to the MEC, while the Ideb average in military schools is 6.99, in civilian schools it is 4.94. With this reference in mind, the implementation aims to increase the average of the Basic Education Development Index (Ideb). The government's investment claim under the project totals BRL 40 million per year.
“The assumptions are that [the installation of schools] takes place in needy places, as was the case with full-time high school. If you do not place yourself in places that are lacking, you will be increasing even more the difference in knowledge of this population”, said the Secretary of Basic Education of the MEC, Jânio Carlos Endo Macedo.
According to the plan presented this Thursday, the intention is to implement the model in 27 schools per year, one per unit of the federation. The intention is to serve 108,000 students.
In addition to the 27 new schools per year, MEC intends to strengthen 28 civic-military schools per year, together with the other federal entities, totaling 112 schools by 2023, serving approximately 112 thousand students.