For every kind of illness a specialized doctor is needed. In the case of injuries and deformities of bones, tendons, muscles, joints and ligaments of the human body, it is necessary to be treated by a orthopedic doctor.
This professional acts directly in the care, reconstruction and treatment of muscles, bones, ligaments and joints. In addition, it promotes the treatment and rehabilitation of the injured system, in addition to ensuring well-being and the prevention of possible injuries.
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This medical specialty is among the highest paid professions in the area. Interested? Want to know more about the salary prospects of these professionals? See below:
According to information from the job site Catho, the average salary for an orthopedist in Brazil is
Still according to information on the Catho website, orthopedists who also work as surgeons have an average salary of BRL 18,244.
The Southeast regions are covered by tender opportunities for orthopedists. Salaries vary according to the workload and the size of the municipality.