Nowadays, it is not necessary to leave the house to obtain a product. The product comes to you! But of course he doesn't come alone. Motoboys are the professionals responsible for this displacement service. They are the famous delivery people of pizza, marmitex, sandwiches, medicine or other product in question.
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Do you want to know about the job market for these professionals? Salaries and Assignments? See now:
Professional responsible for driving motorcycles and similar ones, transporting products of certain types, such as food, medicine, correspondence, small orders, pouches, etc. to predetermined locations. In addition to being careful with the cleaning and maintenance of the vehicle and requesting mechanical repairs, when necessary.
Most are individual micro-entrepreneurs, that is, service providers (without a formal contract or employment relationship).
According to the Catho Online Salary Survey, the average salary for a Motoboy position in Brazil is R$ 1,287.36.
This amount may vary according to the company providing services, the region in which it operates, products transported, etc.
When linked to companies, they must take out personal insurance, respecting the following minimum values:
· BRL 25,000.00 for accidental death;
· BRL 25,000.00 for total permanent disability due to an accident;
· BRL 25,000.00 for partial permanent disability due to an accident;
· BRL 2,500.00 for funeral assistance, deductible from the amount of compensation to be received by the deceased's family or heirs.
According to Rappi, each courier receives the full delivery fee BRL 6.90 per delivery made. Despite seeming low, there are those who say that there are couriers who
manage to earn between R$4,000 and R$5,000. From a calculation, it can be seen that this amount is obtained if the delivery person makes 24 deliveries per day, 3 per hour, counting Saturday and Sunday.
It's the same logic as apps like Uber: the more deliveries you make, the more money you make.