![Text Interpretation: A gluttonous pig](/f/e21ab1194daa0428d27d48cfeefe4507.png?width=100&height=100)
A new investigation carried out for the MEC could start the “Lava Jato da Educação”. The statement was made by Minister Ricardo Vélez Rodríguez.
The portfolio holder signed a protocol of intentions whose main objective is to investigate evidence of corruption. In addition, deviations and other types of harmful acts related to the MEC will be investigated.
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The inter-ministerial investigations will investigate current evidence and also previous administrations. Some examples given at the meeting were the undue favoritism in the University Program for All (ProUni), deviations in the National Program for Access to Technical Education and Employment (Pronatec), involving the S system, illegal granting of distance learning grants and irregularities in federal universities.
The hearing gave transparency to the functioning and acts of the MEC, following the guidelines of President Jair Bolsonaro for all ministries and federal institutions.
The document was signed by the Ministers of Education; of Justice, Sérgio Moro; of the Comptroller General of the Union, Wagner Rosário, and by the Attorney General of the Union, André Mendonça. Also participating in the meeting was the director general of the Federal Police, Maurício Valeixo, who will be a key player in investigating the facts.