Of the more than 8,800 kindergartens and schools that should have been built since 2007, with the National Program for Restructuring and Acquisition of Equipment from the Public School Network for Early Childhood Education (Proinfância), less than half was completed and just over 1,400 were delivered to population.
This means that at least 1.2 million babies and children could not be enrolled in the public network in vacancies that, without the conclusion of the works, could not be opened. The diagnosis was made by specialists in a public hearing of the Commission for Transparency, Governance, Inspection and Control and Consumer Protection (CTFC).
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Nurseries and preschools were financed with Union resources. The resource was from the National Education Development Fund (FNDE), which was directed to municipalities. Cities received resources through agreements until 2012.
According to the data presented by the control bodies at the meeting, the errors range from the construction method chosen to the lack of supervision. BRL 6.4 billion were passed on, out of a total of BRL 13.7 billion provided for in Proinfância.
According to José Paulo Barbiere, from the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU), until March 2017, of the 8,824 day care centers agreed, 3,482 were completed, and of these, only 2,708 had all services fully executed and 1,478 were in progress. operation.
710 of the total are abandoned, that is, the contract with the construction company was terminated without completing the work. Another 304 are paralyzed, but with contracts in force.
The construction of 1,860 kindergartens had already been canceled without any execution despite having released funds, leading to a waste of around R$ 2 billion. Of the 1,645 still running, 85% are lagging or stalled.
If all the nurseries and preschools agreed had been completed, warned Barbieri, more than 1.8 million vacancies would have been opened. This number is close to the 2.3 million places needed to meet the goals of the National Education Plan (PNE).
The plan seeks to enroll 50% of children from 0 to 3 years old in kindergartens and 100% of children from 4 to 5 years old in nursery schools. With the 1,478 units in operation, only 600,000 new vacancies were offered, a third of what had been initially projected. With information from Senate News.