O sneeze represents a defense mechanism of the human body and happens when the organism itself identifies the presence of foreign elements in the nostrils. At that moment, the brain sends a message to the respiratory system which acts to eliminate the presence of the foreign element from the body.
For this, the muscles present in the abdominal and back region initiate the contraction movement that gives rise to the sneeze and eliminates the “contaminated” air present in the lungs and nasal region. However, what is the composition of the sneeze?
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While in the flu period, sneezing is accompanied by secretions with a yellowish color, the most common thing is that it is a quick expulsion of air. But what is inside this defense mechanism so common in our lives? What are the substances that contain in the defense mechanism?
Particles with dirt that cause irritation
Every day, we breathe in an immense amount of air, which contains various particles present in the environment. Although not all particles pose a danger to the human body, some of them can trigger allergies and the onset of diseases.
Pollen is an example of a very common allergenic substance during spring and increases the chance of sneezing in people allergic to the element. Dust, dust mites, viruses, pet dander, mold, smoke, and strong-smelling chemicals like chlorine can also trigger sneezing.
After inhaling these particles, the body prepares itself to promote the expulsion of invading microorganisms with the help of eyelashes and hair present in the nostrils. At that moment, comes the sneeze, which closes the eyes and forces the movement of the tongue upwards.
With the sneeze, also comes the secretion that it eliminates, full of particles expelled by the body, especially viruses. For this reason, the importance of covering the nasal region when sneezing.
That's because, with the speed that the sneeze reaches, it can also transmit diseases, such as the flu or covid-19. Thus, what is inside the sneeze is nothing more than mucus full of microorganisms known as dirt and that cause irritation in the body.