The Ministry of Justice and Public Security and the National Council of Federal Institutes of Education (Conif) signed today (23) cooperation agreement to enable the offering of education and training courses for public security agents throughout the country.
Courses can be taken by military and civil police, municipal guards, prison and socio-educational agents on one of the more than 600 campuses of the federal institutes of education, science and technology in 568 cities Brazilian.
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“Depending on the demands presented by the National Public Security Secretariat [Senasp], we will be signing additional terms”, said the president of Conif, Jerônimo Rodrigues da Silva, dean of the Federal Institute of Goiás (IFG), which already develops actions of this type.
The number of beneficiaries and the costs of each course offered will be calculated on a case-by-case basis, according to the project to be developed in partnership with state and municipal governments.
The first 7 courses will be developed in five municipalities where the Ministry of Justice and Security Public is implementing an interministerial pilot project to try to reduce crime rates in the country.
Announced in March, the pilot project includes five cities in the country's five regions, chosen based on their high rates of violent crime. According to Silva, the municipalities are Goiânia and São José dos Pinhais (as already confirmed by the governors of Goiás and Paraná, Ronaldo Caiado and Ratinho Júnior), in addition to Cariacica, in Espírito Santo, Ananindeua, in Pará, and a location in the Northeast yet to be defined. “Probably in Pernambuco.”
For Silva, and also for the national secretary of Public Security, Guilherme Theophilo, the initiative will benefit from the capillarity of the network of federal institutes, which today it has 80,000 employees and more than 1 million students enrolled in one of its 11,000 courses, ranging from initial and continuing education in various areas to master's degree.
In Goiás municipalities around the Federal District, municipal guards have already been participating in courses given at the Federal Institute of Goiás. According to Silva, this helped to improve the institution's relationship with the community.
“Better training enables better interaction with the population”, said the president of Conif, emphasizing that the courses at the IGF include aspects such as ethics, human and consumer rights and Brazilian Sign Language (Libra), among other disciplines.
Commander of the Formosa Municipal Guard, in Goiás, Francisco José Fontes Vieira participated in one of the modules offered by the IFG between February and June of last year. His class brought together around 160 municipal agents from various cities around the Federal District.
“It was an excellent experience. Unlike other purely operational courses, in this one we learned a lot about human rights, approaches and other things.”
Vieira said that what he learned in the course is already being taken to the streets, applied in practice by municipal guards who attended the classes and, later, multiplied the teachings among the companions. Commander Vieira warned, however, that initiatives of this type need to be accompanied by more investments.
“Today, throughout Brazil, we are demanding more vehicles, adequate weapons, anti-ballistic vests and other equipment that, in many cases, cases, they are already outdated”, added Vieira, enthusiastic about the idea of greater proximity between the public security forces and the community.
“This is a topic that has been discussed for some time. We have to be with the community to not let crime happen. From the moment we are together with the community, showing a different doctrine, crime tends to decrease”, said Vieira.
The national secretary of Public Security highlighted that the agreement with the network of federal institutes creates a “unique opportunity” for the creation of a career in public security.
“Federal institutes are going to be a very important vehicle for training these professionals. If we have standardized curricula, a graduate degree, a master's degree, a doctorate, we will have a mass of maneuver to recruit for this new career that we want to create, with specialists”, said Guilherme Theophilo.
Even though there is still no cost estimate, as these will depend on future demand and aspects of the courses offered, Theofilo stated that the Ministry of Justice and Public Security has money to pay for the initiative.
“Senasp has the National Fund for Public Security and is obliged to transfer 50% [of the money available] to state funds. The other half can be used for training, improving public policies and purchasing material. Today, I have about R$ 200 million for these courses”, he said.