We are increasingly accustomed to using electronic means to write. Computers and smartphones, in fact, are more practical. However, good handwriting is essential.
Whether in professional or personal life, or even in hobbies like lettering, which is the art of drawing letters, at one time or another we need to write by hand. At such times, it is necessary to have at least reasonable handwriting.
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Do you want to improve your calligraphy, but don't know how? We select infallible tips and some tricks that will make this task a lot easier.
To do this, choose any passage and write at least one paragraph. But remember: the higher, the better the analysis. Try to write as naturally as possible so that it doesn't interfere with the diagnosis.
But why is this important? This is an effective way to identify the structure of your current handwriting. If it is full of curves, if the letters are too close together or too far apart. In addition, it will be possible to identify which points you want to change, thus establishing a plan to change them.
Having identified the points you want to change, the next step is to choose a pen. Ballpoint, rollerball or gel are some of the types available on the market. In all, there are also tip options, which can be fine, medium or thick. For each objective, a type of pen.
However, there is no magic formula. You will have to test a few templates until you find the one that best suits your calligraphy style. It's worth remembering that the way you hold it will also influence your final result. Therefore, no leaving the pen too loose in the hand, or applying too much force.
Even when we are small, in the first years of school, we are influenced to use the notebook vertically. But this is not a universal pattern. Each person has an ideal way to put the paper when writing. As with the pen, you need to do some testing before finding the ideal position.
Taking into account how you will place the paper, you also need to have a support. In addition to good positioning, the hand that will be free can be used to provide support and stability during writing.
In the paragraph you wrote to identify your handwriting problems, it is important to note the amount of ink left on the paper, it must be the same in all words. Ideally, the writing should be smooth and even.
It is quite common for people to start writing softly and build up strength over time. This, in addition to leaving the paper looking wrinkled, can cause fatigue and pain in the hands. To avoid excessive pressure, it's important to train until you find the right point, which will make your handwriting uniform.
These are the keys to beautiful and harmonious handwriting. Regarding food, ideally, all paragraphs of the text should be symmetrical and as aligned as possible. This will ensure a cleaner and more harmonious look, increasing the impression of beautiful lettering.
As far as direction is concerned, some people have more sloping handwriting, making the writing a bit messy and cluttered. If the direction of the letters is interfering with legibility, a good way to correct it is to change the position of the paper and practice less inclined letters.
Last but not least is spacing. It is a key item for beautiful calligraphy. Very large or very small spaces can harm the look as a whole, in addition to demonstrating poor writing skills. Ideally, they should be standardized and balanced.
This point is also important to have a more harmonious handwriting, and consequently, with better legibility. There is no way to do this, it takes a lot of training.
This is a more common problem when unlined sheets are used, as the lines can serve as a guide for both alignment and size. To train, you need to write a lot, always trying to standardize the size of the letters.
It is common that right at the beginning there is a desire to have a super beautiful and designed letter. But at least in the beginning, you need to develop skills with the basic shapes. At this stage, the simpler the better.
After some time and some practice, it is normal that you will be more familiar with all the shapes and lines, so you will feel more confident to create and better elaborate the shape of the letters.
This is the biggest secret to improving handwriting. At first you can use specific notebooks for this purpose, but as you progress, you can do exercises even on sheets without lines.
A good way to train calligraphy is by using pangrams, which, in a simplified way, are sentences that use all the letters of the alphabet. Usually they don't make any sense, but they're great for exercising.
The best known, are available on various sites on the Internet, and predate the addition of letters k, w and y in our alphabet, but are equally valid.
Here are some phrases to practice calligraphy:
Remember to save all the sheets you use for training. In the future, when you are an expert in calligraphy, you will be able to check your evolution from the first attempts.