What was the Glorious Revolution? The Glorious Revolution is the period in which the replacement of the absolutism monarchical by the parliamentary monarchy in England. The period, between 1688 and 1689, is known as the Second English Revolution due to its revolutionary, yet peaceful character.
Peaceful because, even through William of Orange's invasion in 1689, there was little record of armed conflict or bloodshed. This invasion was directly linked to the success of the Glorious Revolution.
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In fact, the changes wrought by the Glorious Revolution were so great that some historians consider it the equivalent of the French Revolution (1789). Also because, as in the French movement, its success brought about the end of absolutism and the consequent rise of the bourgeoisie to power.
Between the main causes of the Glorious Revolution, they are:
It all started with dissatisfaction on the part of the English towards the government of an absolutist king, despite already consolidated religions, such as the Anglican. Considering the others as inferior to Catholicism, James II favored Catholic men in important positions, such as at the University of Oxford.
The trigger came with the invasion of England by William of Orange in 1688, with the support of Dutch troops. The detail is that William was Jaime's nephew and joined the Protestants to destroy the English reign. With that, King James II ended up losing his throne, after being defeated at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690.
William III was then crowned and, as king, pledged respect and upholding the Bill of Rights, the text of which had been passed by Parliament in 1689. The legal document contained norms of individual right of the citizens and limitations of the power of the rulers.
The Glorious Revolution is regarded as the end of Puritan Revolution started in 1640 because they were part of the same process of conflict between absolutism and liberalism, power of the king and Parliament, resulting in the establishment of the parliamentary monarchy.
Due to the end of absolutism and the rise of the bourgeoisie to power, the Glorious Revolution paved the way for the Industrial Revolution.
Read too: bourgeois revolutions