The Higher Education Census 2014, published in December 2015, registered a total of 114,000 vacant vacancies by federal educational institutions.
Therefore, although vacancies have been released by the Ministry of Education, MEC, they are not being occupied by any student. And this is surprising, because in Brazil competition and desire for a place in a federal university are always impactful for Brazilian students.
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At a press conference in Brasilia, for comments on the Census results, Aloizio Mercadante, Minister of Education, announced the generation of the Unified Selection System, Sisu, to the remaining vacancies in universities federal.
Then, MEC will launch the Sisu platform to fill empty chairs. It is important to observe the criteria for competition for a vacancy. The platform should be launched in the first half of 2016 and will present 5 selection criteria for transferring students.
As the Enem score, the National High School Examination, the student's performance in the institution where he/she takes the graduation course, the quality of the course, if the region itself is compatible with that of the university with a desire to migrate and if it is already graduate.
The focus of the MEC is to reduce the total number of empty chairs, which with the sum of all public higher education institutions, or that is, federal, state and municipal, point to around 150 thousand idle vacancies, without having to assume additional costs.
Mercadante stated that there will be a change in the mechanism for transferring funds to federal institutions, and that the MEC will not transfer the resource by vacancy, however, due to the effective enrollment, and through the same resource currently available, it is possible to have 100,000 more students in universities.
Another data revealed by the census was summarized to the total of 7.8 million Brazilians enrolled in undergraduate courses, accounting for an increase of 6.8% when talking about 2013.
Part of this increase is directly associated with the greater number of vacancies on offer in the Federal Higher Education Network, which rose 3.7% and makes a total of 1,180,068 seats.
In 2014, more than 3 million students enrolled in undergraduate courses, and 82.3% of these students enrolled in private educational institutions. On the other hand, the public network took the lead in the number of enrollments associated with postgraduate studies.