The campaign to combat the mosquito that transmits Dengue, Zika Virus and chikungunya cannot stop. With each passing day, we discover that this mosquito can be more dangerous.
All these diseases are not enough, cases of microcephaly, now the possibility that the Zika Virus is related to Guillain-Barré syndrome makes us even more worried.
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Escola Educação, prepared a Me Against Dengue Project, actually not only against dengue, but against the Aedes aegypti mosquito.
See too:
Justification: I need to make students aware of the fight against Dengue, so that they mobilize and mobilize their parents, neighbors and the entire community.
Culmination: Organize lectures by municipal health agents, at school, on the topic addressed.
[divider style="dashed" top="20" bottom="20"]Download the Project:PDF: Project against Dengue