Text interpretation of the news genre, entitled “Good example”, focused on 6th grade students.
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Read this text:
Mother calls police after children steal bicycles in Santa Luzia
Elaine Resende – Portal Uai, 14/04/08
A mother set a good example to society by not covering up a theft committed by her own children and a nephew in Santa Luzia, in Grande BH. At the end of that Sunday night, the three children – one aged nine and two aged 12 – arrived home, in the Duquesa district, with two bicycles taken from a farm. Housewife Maria das Graças Rodrigues Hebert, 36, found the boys' attitude strange and began to question them about the origin of the objects. As the boys refused to tell the truth, she called the Military Police to report the crime.
With the arrival of the military, the three children retreated and confessed that they had stolen their bicycles. The boys indicated the location of the site, in the Palmital district, where the two police officers from the 35th Battalion were heading. The owner of the property did not know about the robbery and found the movement of people in the backyard of her house strange during the night. Sergeant Daniel Marques said she did not want to open the door, believing it to be a robbery. “I said I was a military police officer and I shone a flashlight on my uniform. Still, she was unsure. So I asked her to turn on the porch light because the place at night is pitch black,” he said.
However, the housekeeper arrived at this moment and started shooting, also believing it to be an act of outlaws. There was an exchange of fire, but no one was hit. a dog of breed rottweiler he advanced on the policeman twice, making it necessary to shoot the animal. The dog was injured in the leg.
The case was referred to the 1st Police District of Santa Luzia. The housekeeper João Batista Soares, 36, was booked in the act for illegally carrying weapons. For Sergeant Daniel Marques, attitudes towards the mother are commendable and serve as an example. “It's not every day that someone is willing to teach their kids that way. But this is a way to prevent children from becoming marginal”, he commented.
(Source: www.uai.com.br, accessed on 14/04/08).
1) Explain, in her words, why the news is entitled “Good Example”:
2) In the sentence “(….) attitudes like the mother's are commendable (...)", the highlighted word could be replaced by:
a) calm
b) commendable
c) uninteresting
d) despicable
3) Justify the use of the quotation mark in the text:
4) Identify the referents of the highlighted terms:
a) “[…] began to question them about the origin of objects.”.
b) “As the boys refused to tell the truth, Is it over there called the Military Police to report the crime.”.
c) “[…] to Where the two police officers from the 35th Battalion addressed themselves.”
d) “[…] if it is necessary to shoot against the animal.”.
5) What is the purpose of the text read?
to inform
b) criticize
c) persuade
d) mock
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.