Until the 27th of this month, the registrations for the Atlantic Forest Program, an initiative of Fundo Casa Socioambiental. The Program's notice will offer a total of R$ 1.8 million to support community-based projects in the regions where the Atlantic Forest is located.
The call for proposals aims to select and support up to 45 projects, each receiving around R$ 40,000. The program prioritizes projects developed in the community or in local communities, focused on the socio-environmental line.
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As it focuses on the Atlantic Forest, only projects in the states of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, as well as in the three states from the Southern Region of Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná and Santa Catarina), will have the opportunity to receive investment from Program.
The Mata Atlântica Program is being seen as a significant opportunity to boost efforts to conserve and enhance the Atlantic Forest, strengthening the work of local communities and promoting sustainable development and environmental preservation.
The selected groups will undergo a series of workshops focused on skills development, in addition to participate in two specific meetings to deal with aspects related to administrative, financial and institutional.
At the end of the project, participants must submit a detailed report of their activities, as well as account for the funds received. At that time, the remaining 10% of support will be passed on.
The projects will last for one year, during which the organizations and communities will be strengthened. involved, with the objective of guaranteeing an efficient and transparent execution of the initiatives supported by the Mata Program Atlantic.
Entries can be made through the official website of the Casal Socio-environmental Fund until the 27th of June. By the end of July, the selected projects are expected to be announced. The entire process will be conducted under the coordination of Program Manager Claudia Gibeli.
After this stage, the projects will be submitted to a contracting process, and the beneficiaries will initially receive 90% of the allocated resources.
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