O student's descriptive opinion consists of a constant record that allows observing, in a more substantiated way, the student's progress. In the document, the student's learning path is recorded: what he learned, how and what he still needs to learn. This establishes arrival points for each assessment period.
When writing the descriptive opinion, the educator must pay attention to some points. First, every student is different, so each document must be written individually. In addition, it is important to cover all points, with a transdisciplinary look. That is, describe in which areas the student somehow excels.
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It is worth noting that the descriptive opinion will be used in the preparation of the student's academic record. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the terms used, from expressions to judgments or ambiguities.
Check now some descriptive opinion templates for Early Childhood Education.
During this semester, it was possible to observe the progress of (name of the student). Currently, according to what was applied in the classroom, its good use in the acquisition of reading and writing was noticed.
O (name of the student) can read with ease, but still needs teacher intervention for longer sentences. In addition, it expanded his writing. Despite some mistakes, he can now form sentences.
During collective activities, he demonstrates respect for colleagues and teachers, in addition to accepting suggestions easily.
O (name of the student) it also contributes to the group's growth, demonstrating a strong spirit of leadership, mainly through taking initiatives.
According to the performance of (name of the student), some points have evolved, but others still need to be worked on. Your reading level is within the expected range, as well as your writing level.
Despite this, he needs to develop skills in the area of mathematics. Your knowledge of numbers has increased, but you still need help with a few tens.
With regard to teamwork, the (name of the student) he prefers to have autonomy in his attitudes, forgetting the other colleagues in the group. In addition to not having the habit of following the guidelines of educators.
In class, he usually participates when requested, but on many occasions he finds himself thinking about other things, not absorbing the content taught.
Based on the evaluations carried out, it was possible to verify that the (name of the student) fulfilled the objectives established for this learning phase.
Your reading and writing level are at the expected level, as are your math skills. In addition, the (name of the student) often helps colleagues who are struggling.
This demonstrates that he has a strong leadership spirit, helping the team and motivating his colleagues. Even more, it easily complies with the guidelines of the educators.
In class, he is participative and attentive. Whenever he has doubts, he questions until he is sure he has learned what was explained.
In this semester, the (name of the student) advanced in some aspects, mainly in relation to mathematics. There are few doubts about dozens.
Despite this, it is still necessary to work in the Portuguese language area. O (name of the student) still needs help forming words and constantly forgets a few letters of the alphabet.
With the habit of talking to almost all of his colleagues, he often fails to pay attention in class. But when it comes to team play, he always takes the lead.
During classes, even with doubts, he does not usually ask questions. So, to understand their performance, it is necessary that the educator is observing while carrying out the activities.
In this semester, it was possible to observe that the (name of the student) he is a whimsical and creative child. In painting activities, he proves to be very easy, evolving his fine motor coordination more and more.
In terms of organization, its materials are well preserved and rarely forgotten in the classroom. In addition, he does not hesitate to help teachers with classroom organization.
Despite that, the (name of the student) he still needs to work on the Portuguese language. The student can easily form words, but needs help in agreeing sentences.
In the area of mathematics, however, he does not have great difficulties, counting even without help in the tens. In addition, he has easily learned the use of plus and minus signs.
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