A career in the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) is the object of dreams for thousands of young Brazilians. However, many still have doubts about how to join the corporation and, if successful, what options to follow in the institution.
The best thing is that there are many ways to enter the Air Force, from high school to higher education. In this case, graduations may include specialties in the areas of Pharmacy, Dentistry and Engineering.
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That's why we brought you the main information on how to join the Air Force, in addition to what the FAB offers as a career!
The first thing to know is that Air Force careers are organized into three groups: infantry, quartermasters and aviation.
In all of them, admission is through competition. Annually, the FAB offers more than 20 selections for civilians and military
A Infantry it's what they call direct combat and, so far, only male entrants are accepted. The others accept candidates of both sexes and, in
The school is located in Barbacena, Minas Gerais, and offers mid-level training preparing students to enter the Academia da Força Aérea (AFA).
Thus, those who successfully complete the course are guaranteed a place on the AFA Aviation Officer Training Course.
Requirements: male and age between 14 and 18 years old
Held in Guaratinguetá, in the state of São Paulo, it offers technical courses in more than 20 areas. These include electricity, air traffic control, administration and meteorology.
The course lasts from 24 weeks to two years, depending on the training. Upon completion, the student graduates as 3rd Specialist Sergeant and, from then on, can pursue a career in the FAB.
Oh and, with internal selections, you can reach corporate officership!
Located in São José dos Campos, in the interior of São Paulo, it offers higher education in various engineering specialties. Are they:
The courses last for five years and select their candidates through specific tests.
ITA is part of the Aerospace Technical Center (CTA) and, in addition to undergraduate courses, offers master's, doctorate and university extension.
Anyone who has graduated or has completed high school can join the Air Force Academy (AFA), located in Pirassununga (SP), as an officer. There, training courses are offered for Airmen Officers, Infantrymen (male only) and Quartermasters.
The course lasts four years and offers a higher education degree. Admission is done through a public tender and, upon completion, the student becomes an Aspiring Officer. To participate in the selection, you must be between 17 and 21 years old.
The FAB admits, through a public tender, professionals from different backgrounds to work in the most varied areas, such as Engineering, Social Communication, Administration and Law.
To enter, the candidate undergoes theoretical tests, medical examinations and physical tests. Upon approval, he is enrolled in the 17-week adaptation course at the Aeronautics Instruction and Adaptation Center (Ciaar). The headquarters are located in Barbacena, Minas Gerais.
As for the requirements, these vary according to the framework. This, too, depends on career progression.
Men and women can be part of the FAB through the temporary officers. Selections are sporadic and allow for up to eight years to work in different areas.
Applicants should be aware of gender-related entry requirements. Preparatory School for Air Cadets, infantry officers, chaplains and some sergeant specialties restrict entry to men only.
The other FAB contests admit candidates of both sexes.
Learn more about joining the FAB in the specific section on the website: www.fab.mil.br/ingresso