For what it suits O And either? The National High School Examination, better known as Enem, was created in 1998. Initially aimed at evaluating high school students, both from public and private schools, today the exam is one of the main gateways to Brazilian universities.
Another important point to be taken into account is that using individual and collective performance of students, the federal government manages to establish public policies aimed at education in a way general.
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Since 2009, Enem has played a key role in accessing higher education in Brazil, whether in public or private institutions. This is because the selections of the largest educational programs use the test scores as an evaluation criterion.
Two programs created by the Ministry of Education (MEC), and well known to those who dream of going to college, which exclusively use the Enem score, are the Unified Selection System (Sisu) and the University for All Program (Prouni).
O sisu, is becoming the main means of entry into public universities every year. In a simplified way, the program totally or partially replaces the entrance exam.
In this process, carried out twice a year, educational establishments no longer apply the traditional tests and use the Unified Selection as a selection process. More than 239,000 vacancies were made available in the first edition of 2018 alone.
Renowned institutions such as the University of São Paulo (USP) and the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), to a greater or lesser extent, already use the Enem score through Sisu.
The University for All Program (Prouni) has existed since 2004 and aims to increase access for low-income students to higher education, using scholarships at colleges private.
Enrollment for the pronounce, which is done twice a year, is made using exclusively the score obtained in the last Enem. That is, the higher the grade, the greater the chance of getting the desired job.
In the first edition of 2017, the program offered more than 200,000 scholarships, most of which were full scholarships. To participate, the candidate must not have written to zero, in addition to obtaining a score greater than 450 in the average of all tests.
Another project, also created by MEC, which aims to democratize entry into higher education institutions is the Student Financing Program (Fies).
O faithful consists of a government loan to students who are already studying or intending to enter private universities, but who are unable to pay all the costs.
As in other programs, Enem is also one of the requirements to participate in the program.
Enem registrations are held every year, usually at the beginning of the first semester. Requests are made exclusively through the website of the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep).
Opened for the last time in May 2018, Enem enrollment cost BRL 82.00.
Some candidates may ask for exemption from this amount, including candidates who are attending the last year of high school in the public network. All criteria and form of application can also be checked on the Inep website.
As seen above, the Enem score is, today, the main form of access to universities. But not only that. The score of the National High School Exam can also be used to compete for scholarships abroad and selection processes for exchange.
Another little-known use of Enem is in public tenders. The competition for admission to the Training Course for Officers of the Military Police of Paraíba (PM PB), for example, replaced the phase of theoretical tests with the exam score.
In Minas Gerais, the State Secretariats for Planning and Management in Belo Horizonte also use the Enem score to evaluate their public tenders.
For a long time, the Enem tests were held on two consecutive days. However, since 2017 the tests have been held over two weekends, also consecutive.
On the first day, candidates answer 45 questions on Languages, Codes and Technologies, 45 questions on Human Sciences and also take the Writing test.
On the second day there are 45 questions of Natural Sciences and 45 questions of Mathematics, thus totaling 180 objective questions.
The gates of the test venues are closed without fail at 13:00, according to Brasilia time. On the first day candidates will have a maximum time of 5h30, while on the second it will be only 5h.
For some time, the National High School Examination (Enem) was used as one of the ways to obtain the high school completion diploma. However, in recent years the exam has undergone several changes, one of which is precisely in this direction.
Since 2017, Enem is no longer used for this purpose. This is because currently the main focus is precisely on entering universities.
However, those who did not finish high school at the regular age, and wish to do so, can take the National Examination for Youth and Adult Skills (Encceja). The tests are free and seek to meet the needs of this public.