Intermediate school students concentrate most of their efforts at the gateway to the best universities in the country: the National Secondary School Examination (And either). Throughout the school year, students and teachers invest in the best preparatory courses, focused on content, tips and updates.
But, the theoretical study needs to be complemented by a key part, the simulations. As the name implies, they will give you an idea of what the tests are like, in addition to showing the degree of knowledge in each subject and where the student needs to deepen. The simulations work as a thermometer for the studies, in addition to preparing the candidate psychologically.
The ideal is for the student to maintain a certain periodicity in carrying out the simulations. Thus, you will test your knowledge more diligently, without losing the habit of tests. Most schools promote simulations on weekends, including classifying students according to performance (as well as in Enem and entrance exams).
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However, it is also possible to practice at home, through online simulations. With them, the student can guide his studies, identifying which subjects need to be revised or where he has greater difficulty.
Below, Escola Educação brought a list of the best online and free simulations with which it is possible to prepare for the Enem.
Super Entrance Exam
The test is part of the Mundo Educação website. In it, the student can enter the number of questions of each subject to generate his simulation. The alternatives are collected from entrance exams and tests carried out throughout Brazil.
The tool is interesting to put in the study schedule. By organizing the simulations according to the subject studied on the day, it will be possible to review and structure the topics to be studied.
Brazil School
It follows the same lines as the Super Vestibular and allows the candidate to choose the areas and how many questions to answer in each one.
But there are also simulations ready for the disciplines of Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Human Sciences, in addition to the 2nd day of the Enem.
To respond, you must log in to the site.
The test is developed in partnership with the Bernoulli Group and allows the candidate to choose, among all the areas, 20 questions distributed in nine types of test.
Another interesting tool is the meter of time spent to take the Enem test.
The bank brings together all the questions applied in Enem editions from 2009 to 2017. As in Brasil Escola and Super Vestibular, users can choose which areas of knowledge they want to test.
To access, simply register.
Student Guide
The simulation is free and online. To do so, the student only needs to register by entering their e-mail address and personal data.
Enem time
The portal is made available by the MEC and provides various information about the National High School Examination. In addition to the contents, the site has its own simulation.
Geekie Games
The simulation allows you to improve your performance by sending a report measuring the grades through TRT, a technique used to calculate Enem grades.
Thus, the student can improve by focusing on the necessary areas. The test is recognized by the MEC.
university entrance exam
The simulation contains a bank of questions from past Enem editions, in addition to tips for those who want to improve their writing. To do so, simply access the editorial database. Not to mention the tips available on the side and top tabs.
Entrance Exam World
The site also features simulations separated by area of knowledge. The best thing is that the student can ask questions and check out tips on the subjects.
Profcardy brings questions with different levels of difficulty, as well as simulations by area, marathons and challenges. The site also provides useful tips and information.
The globe
The student has options to choose his ready-made simulation, separated by areas of knowledge, or assemble his test.
The site also features video classes, vocational tests, Enem questions and intensive care.
Study Vest
Like Brasil Escola, it offers ready-made simulation options. In addition, it contains challenges in which the student can participate to test their knowledge.
The site features a bank of questions containing previous editions of Enem and traditional entrance exams. In addition to the tests, the platform provides templates that can be accessed at any time.