Currently, in the midst of disagreements between the Ministry of Education (MEC) and the National Council of Education (CNE), children's literacy is done from the first to the third year of school fundamental. That is, between six and eight years old.
Although the first presentations of the theme occur since kindergarten, it is in the first grade of fundamental education that will be done, in fact, a deeper work to materialize the literacy of the students. Demanding, therefore, greater availability of activities and exercises, both in the classroom and at home.
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Adhesion to the “National Commitment to Literate Children” ends on the 31st
Programa Criança Alfabetizada will promote assessment systems for…
In this phase, teachers are challenged on a daily basis, especially with regard to holding students' attention. The main search is for enthusiasm when learning. In this way, the chances of learning to happen effectively are greater.
It is necessary to take into account, mainly, that literacy is one of the bases of the entire educational process, where it is necessary to value what came before and prepare for what comes next. A person who cannot fix this knowledge in a satisfactory way will certainly have more difficulties throughout their academic life.
For educators who are looking for pedagogical activities with this content, we have created a list of unique literacy activities. They are available below and can be easily printed and used in class or as homework.
Check also:Activities with Ordinal Numbers for Literacy
Activities developed by the ESCOLA EDUCAÇÃO website.