Created in 2008, every year the FIRJAN Municipal Development Index (IFDM) monitors the development socioeconomic status of the 5,500 Brazilian municipalities in three areas of operation: education, employment and income and health.
Among all these municipalities, eleven have something that sets them apart from the rest: they have excellent education rates. In the study, grades ranging from 0 to 1 are assigned. The higher the score, the better the city's performance.
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For this, indicators are taken into account such as attendance to early childhood education, percentage of teachers with higher education in elementary education (EF), age-grade distortion rate and students' position in the Basic Education Development Index (Ideb).
Interestingly, the 11 cities that reached the maximum score in the FIRJAN evaluation, in 2016, are in the state of São Paulo:
Among these, only two have more than 100 thousand inhabitants, which is the case of Birigui and Marília. The population of the others varies between 1.5 and 31 thousand inhabitants.
The national index in 2016 was 0.7689, a number that shows a small improvement of 0.6% compared to 2015. However, this is the worst result in ten years. Furthermore, Brazil is still far from achieving the goals defined by the National Education Plan (PNE).
In this evaluation, despite the economic crisis that affects Brazil directly impacting the indicators, according to FIRJAN, the lack of resources did not represent a problem.
According to the report, mismanagement of resources is among the main obstacles to the development of Brazilian municipalities, including with regard to Education.